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Google Street View


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Today i was alerted to the fact that google street view has pretty much covered the entire country and in the last few days is now on-line. So i checked out my house, then my parents... to discovered my old man has been immortalised on the internet striding up to the google 'street car' to give him a rollocking. I don't think anyone in the street has gone without a mouthful from the grumpy old begger and even google didn't manage it when they visited. Gotta love the old man. :huh:


I always wondered were i got my happy-go-lucky temperament from. :yes:

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Funny I came across this earlier today.


Done mine which I was surprised about as it's a dead end private bridleway, but not on the same day, as all of a sudden it isn't sunny and the cars are different.


Only found about it today - but is very impressive.


There are watermarks spread about that say Google 2009 :huh: Also about this time of year - maybe April, as the wheat is short and green and daffodils are out.

Edited by George1990
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Funny I came across this earlier today.


Done mine which I was surprised about as it's a dead end private bridleway, but not on the same day, as all of a sudden it isn't sunny and the cars are different.



Yea it's not all going to be done on the same day :yes:

That would be well weird though, seeing yourself in two different cars one road after the next :huh:

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