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What do you call it again...........


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I get pulled on a regular basis for calling things something you should (according to the kids :lol: )

Is it just me, or do you do it as well?


1: "Put the wireless on radio 2" ....................."no dad, its a RADIO!" :/

2: "Stop messing, and go play in the yard"............"really dad? we thought it was a GARDEN!"

3:And one other people always comment on. When i answer the phone and its Mrs MM, it usualy starts with me saying..."Hello mate" or "Hello pal." I get the strangest looks sometimes for saying that. :(

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I advise next time they give you such jip you should put them infront of the setty and inform them to watch the visual box!



ARRRGGHHHHH!!! You have done reminded me of another one. They call it a "Sofa", and its a "couch" :lol:

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ARRRGGHHHHH!!! You have done reminded me of another one. They call it a "Sofa", and its a "couch" :lol:


I thought it was a settee...


I still say "We'll tape that"....referring to a TV program we want to record.....Even tho with have Sky+...Corrected many a time...

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They "borrow" money to their friends...nope, you lend. They wear their jeans half way down their #### and their pants around their shoulders. They think they are cool. They are not.

Oops seem to have driffted into talking about teenagers... :yes:

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They "borrow" money to their friends...nope, you lend. They wear their jeans half way down their #### and their pants around their shoulders. They think they are cool. They are not.

Oops seem to have driffted into talking about teenagers... :whistling:


i explained to my nephew where this style came from...he seemed completely unbothered by the fact that wearing your denims round your bum hole is a black american trend, supposed to reflect the fact that you have done some hard time..... when your in prison they dont allow you to wear a belt,so you dont string yourself up and of course, denim shirt and denim jeans looking like there two sizes to big is the issue in chokey....

strange that anyone would want to look like a convict..... whats next ? striped clothing with arrows on ? bright orange guantanamo bay boiler suits ?

crackers......... :lol:

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ARRRGGHHHHH!!! You have done reminded me of another one. They call it a "Sofa", and its a "couch" :good:


Hmmm, yard . . . and now couch?? Sounds more Yank than Northerner to me. Its definately a GARDEN and a SETTEE, like. :blink: :hmm:


But yeah you're old if you call a radio a wireless! My dad calls mobiles RADIOS for gods sake!! :blink:



Edited by Breastman
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