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Fox from last week

bullet boy

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Went up the farm last week and done a spot of lamping.I called after about 15 mins and spotted a Fox about 600 yards away.After a few seconds he started coming to the call but across wind and not straight to me.I then had to get in position on my bipod and when i thought it was safe to shoot,i took the shot.I saw the Fox drop but after a good ten minutes or so still could`nt find him. :)

After 5 days had gone by i went back to the place where i`d shot at the Fox and found him there,the range of the shot was 245 yards. ;)

I`m very happy with this Big Boy.

Edited by bullet boy
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:lol: I did the same recently, me and fatcat shot one on one of my local permissions, a long range shot but i had mantally marked where it had dropped, once we got there we searched for 10 minutes and gave up, I was positive i had hit it. A few days later I went to the same spot pigeon shooting and there it was ..EXACTLY where i thought Id shot it!!! :thumbs:
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Went up the farm last week and done a spot of lamping.I called after about 15 mins and spotted a Fox about 600 yards away.After a few seconds he started coming to the call but across wind and not straight to me.I then had to get in position on my bipod and when i thought it was safe to shoot,i took the shot.I saw the Fox drop but after a good ten minutes or so still could`nt find him. :ermm:

After 5 days had gone by i went back to the place where i`d shot at the Fox and found him there,the range of the shot was 245 yards. :hmm:

I`m very happy with this Big Boy.


good shooting! ,nice big fox you crossing them with wolves down there lol :)

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Its probaby so big bas its a bit warm at the moment so rather you than me going anywhere near it. I've had it a few times just can't find them at night yet in daylight its easy. Goldy with a centrefire you generally just know its dead so the only issues are whether its near a footpath etc. I'm lucky my main ground I just call the farmer and he has a look with a dog in the morning thats if my GWP doesn't find it in the dark. Best option is not to take the lamp off it but thats hard if you want to check there isn't another one about. Usually I'll find they are a lot further out than I thought

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Dont you think you should of looked for it the next day rather than waiting 5 days, it may only be a fox but have respect.


Other than that what a large fox, nice one :hmm:


Well Goldypurple,obviously you don't know me!I do have huge respect for wildlife and my Quarry.I couldn't go up the next day as I was working a 12 hour shift,so circumstances wouldn't allow me.

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Well Goldypurple,obviously you don't know me!I do have huge respect for wildlife and my Quarry.I couldn't go up the next day as I was working a 12 hour shift,so circumstances wouldn't allow me.


I second what mark has said above. WE have the utmost respect for all our quarry, including crows etc. When Mark hits the fox, he hits where he aims.

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