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AS IT SAYS IN THE TITLE............  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. AS IT SAYS IN THE TITLE............

    • RABBIT
    • PIGEON
    • RAT

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Squirrell because the little **** are very satisfying to shoot. I really don't like them much at all.


Pigeon was a close second because they are very challenging to decoy in and then shoot. I've found that you really _have_ to shoot them in the head otherwise they just fly off and die somewhere. The times that I have sat out under a net in a hedge waiting for them to see the decoys have been a great challenge.


But, seeing as I really hate greys, they get the vote.



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Corvids for me chaps, every less magpie or crow is another chance for a family of songbirds. I hate the way they marraud and kill at will, I've seen some despicable sights out in the field and usually it's the corvids to blame.


Can't stand em so love to shoot em! Satisfaction guaranteed.


My vote every time.



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Rabbits for me, more over because thats the only quarry I have time for as all my permission is pest control. I dont see many squirrels as i'm to busy looking for rabbits, which dont climb trees. :thumbs: When my SGC arrives i'll have a look at pest controlling Pigeons. Untill then, its rabbits.

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I voted squirrel, as it's the main quarry i shoot and they most aggrovating, they are quite hard to stalk and they always stop and start. They also climb trees and wait until you're gone! :< They are good sport and i hate em with a passion, i hear you can eat 'em but i've never tried.



MH :thumbs:

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i would have to say squirells as i have a hazelnut tree right outside my bedroom so early on sunday all i hear while in bed is a bleeding squirel enjoying a nut(until i find my superstar) so i open my sisters window and take he/she(had to be PC) off the branch and on to the ground

they are also good sport to stalk



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Rabbits get my vote purely because they ate good and tasty (also the wife sings "bright eyes" at me whenever I bring one home.


Corvids however intreague me with their social behaviour, when you get one they all seem to queue up to get blasted.

man that film cuts me up! an other reason i don't shoot the black rabbit. damn you simone and garfunkle.

don't stop me shooting the other bunnies tho. they taste too good :lol:


but the bunnies came second for me. it's rats that got my vote. there wot got me hooked on shooting. but we need a new farm now coz we shot em all last winter :) the dirty little ******* make grate sport because there so wary. you constantly need to change your tactics. ;)

need to try a shot at mink too! someone i know jus had ten chickens, about ten chiks and a duck taken in one night! an it lined them all up decided the duck was best dragged it off an got it stuck in it's burow! :thumbs:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hear goes,


1, MAGPIES & CROWS :< . because they allways killed the birds nesting in my garden when I was a kid, + they killed a quail chick I had, and there not easy to fool into the range of my pellets, or shotgun, :D


2, RATS :< , I just hate the dirty little ba****ds, they can do so much damage to property. my mate got one in his van once taking some rubbish to the tip, it ate its way through most of the wireing loom before he caught it, and they anoy me when im night fishing. :D


The above virmin I will shoot at any time at every opertunity :< :<


Below I will only shoot when there causing a problem,being a pest, or im asked to by land owner, I love to see wildlife and would never take more than I need to,


3,GREY SQUIRRELS, they have killed all the native red squirrels off around hear (only time I get the pleasure of seeing one now is when I go to the lake districk) and there a challange to hunt. but I enjoy seeing them in my garden aslong as there not raiding birds nests,


4,,RABBITS because they cause lots of damage/land errosion to crops, hedge rows, dykes, and trees. there population also get out of controll easily due to there rapid breeding. they also taste good, cheaper and helathier for my dogs too, but again there nice to see in the wild when there population is under controll and there not being a pest. ( I hate to see rabbits with mixi that disese angers me what a horible slow death :< :< )


5,PIGEONS (woodies) cause so much crop damage its hard to imagin withous seing it with your own eyes :< , there also chllangeing to decoy and nice to eat, but also nice to see in my garden " nice collours " :) (ferell pigeons, townies) cause lots of errosion to buildings with there droppings and also carry lots of diseses"flying rats"


6, THE SLY OLD FOX. "I love to see foxes in the wild" but they also become a pest and over populate areas due to active breeding, I've only ever shot 1 fox that killed a farmers chickens :< , I do pest controll for him and the foxes were becoming over populated and a pest. saw 4 in 1 field the night I shot that 1, (I've squeeked foxes up within a couple of feet to me watching them through the scope of my air rifle or binioculars just for the joy & pleasure of it thers no need to shoot what u dont need to.) :/


HARES & badgers I just find a pleasure to see in the wild & i would not shoot a badger if I was offerd cash to, :thumbs:


Keep it safe and dont kill what you dont need to ;):D

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I hope you don't shoot foxes with an air rifle?!


Thats a tough call for me- I voted rat, because I hate the little ********!

Magpies, for a similar reason came close.


Rabbits are quite exciting to stalk too, and nothing on a rabbit goes to waste between me, the dogs and the ferrets.


Decoying pigeons to an air rifle is not something I've ever done (with a shotgun its my favourite sport!), but roost shooting is fun.


Never shot a squirrel though :thumbs:

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Just a thought, dont mean to start an argument but when you say maggies becuz they kill songbirds, surely that is part of natures cycle, to magpies thats their natural instinct! The songbirds survived before we started to protect them and they'll survive if we stop, if anything its mankind thats killing off songbirds by cutting down hedges, agricultural methods etc.


So are we infact blaming and killing magpies because of the decline in numbers of songbirds in recent years, when in reality we are basically just counterbalancing(to a certain extent) the damage the human race has caused to songbirds?


Dont worry I still shoot the ******* but i have been thinking about this over the last while and the more I think about it, the more I think we shouldn't interfer with nature :thumbs:


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:*) Sorry woodyfirst forgot tha poll said with air rifle, whisky must have kicked in :/ ,


shot it with my winchester shotgun :thumbs:


0zo, your right nate BUT you could say its man that introduced rabbits into this country so we should not controll them, and the same with grey sqiurels let them and they will totaly wipeout our native red squirrels,


I,m not saying that I never want to see a magie again m8 there a nice bird to see in my back garden I said the same about greys in previous post, Its more about getting a balance, conservation, we are all responsable in one way or another for the damage we are doing to the wildlife and the land we live off,


when the mice in my garage & shed start eating there way through my fishing tackle to get to some old bait in my gear I dont set traps to kill them I trap them live, then I take them into A field away from houses and releise them hoping they will breed and feed the hawks and owls that suffer because of the decline in hedge rows in fields, :D


I feed all the wild life that come into my garden, thers a good balance of it at the moment, but I would hate to look out of my window and see only corvids on the bird table, or only 6 foxes in the field and no rabbits :);)


sorry if I offenderd anybody, :D:D

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I set traps to kill the mice living in my kitchen!


I caught 12 (TWELVE!!) in a week! Ferrets loved it :thumbs: :D


That said, I wouldn't have trapped them if they weren't in my kitchen (they were living in the wall cavity where we hadn't sealed the washing machine outlet)!!


I like to feed all the wildlife in my garden too; I've even spent money on a bird feeder! We currently have a pair of collared doves that look pretty tasty, but I like to see them around.


I hate magpies, but very rarely see one in the garden, so its nice if I do!

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