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This Bank Holiday weekend


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Am working

And Sweepy is digging up the patio.

I have been dealing with **** all morning

But i still think i have the better job this weekend.

Poor old Sweepy i have never seen the man sweat so much as he is doing right now.

Wonder if i turn the hose on him if it would cool him down. :good:

Everytime he pass the window i give him a little wave.

Am not very good a lip reading but am sure his mouthing the words THANK YOU. Whenever he passes. :good:



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And Sweepy is digging up the patio.





Any relation of Fred Wests by any chance? :good:


If you go missing suddenly Suzi, we'll know what's happened.

Edited by DaveK
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Actually it is rather nice too see.

Years ago it would have been myself out their with Sweepy doing the donkey work.

But now he has got his Boys.

I have been spying on them and they are all working as the team(even the grumpy 12 year old) :good:

Sometimes my boys make me so proud of them(have you notice) :good:


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Since we live in Wakefield, I predict we will mostly be watching the rain falling.




methinks that cud be reet me auld.


bet the Barnsley bimbo's are still out pubcrawling in teeshirts though.

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Was in Asda (again) last night (see thread about money disappearing), saw the following:


1 pink pyjama clad chav

1 unzipped bare chested (male) tracksuit top chav

1 half mount baseball cap with waxed hair chav

2 drunk cheap cider buying elizabeth duke clad chavettes

1 overweight leering chav

4 snack aisle blocking alchohol breath chavs


and finally, 1 trolley prospecting grab the quid chav


Just goes to show, you dont need to go anywhere near Barnsley for a fun night out.

Edited by notsosureshot
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Well as two quads were nicked from the next farm over, last night, I'm hanging a new door on the garage (now stopped so I can babysit the lad, while the girl sprog is taken to have a haircut) to try to keep my motorbike where it belongs.

Needless to say it'll be cold and dark by the time I finsh.


Priorities eh :good:

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Was in Asda (again) last night (see thread about money disappearing), saw the following:


1 pink pyjama clad chav

1 unzipped bare chested (male) tracksuit top chav

1 half mount baseball cap with waxed hair chav

2 drunk cheap cider buying elizabeth duke clad chavettes

1 overweight leering chav

4 snack aisle blocking alchohol breath chavs


and finally, 1 trolley prospecting grab the quid chav


Just goes to show, you dont need to go anywhere near Barnsley for a fun night out.


Well why didn't you come over and say hello then? :good: :good:

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lads, i feel for you, i really really do, ive got an awful weekend planned too :yp:


after my shock last night i was forced to get drunk, so drunk that i made some very silly propositions to some very good looking women, and they seem to be expecting me to back up my advances :good: then i had to go spend money in the gunshop on ammo and new trousers :good: if that wasnt bad enough i had to walk for 15 mins out to one of my permissions, carrying my 10/22 AND the ammo for it so i could make sure its sighted in for a bit of lamping. after the first 30 rounds i got that bored constantly hitting the bullseye at 60 yards that i started sniping the dandelions growing on the bank behind the target, it was awful, out of 17 shots i only hit with 16 :yes: then i was dragged kicking and screaming to another gunshop by a friend where he FORCED me to drool over a steyr aug in .223. now im sitting here waiting for the girlfriend to arrive, im so bored that i've had to crack open the drink already.


i dont know how im going to stick another 2 days of this, please someone save me... :good:

Edited by Ozzy Fudd
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this weekend i am mostly painting too!

trying to sort out my fathers tractor museum (big stable block, see pictures in OTH's old trailer thread) as he's got a rillly big shew going on in july, the floor paint isn't going off and i've decided to get an huge great oil fired space heater on the case, only one bay left to do now, then the big bit..

Also had my sister down with her menagerie, they've now gone! :good::angry: And i can finally get on and finish for an early day..had a little bit of a go at some bunnies saturday night, not very fruitful as i had the wrong ammo. :hmm: either that or i'm infested with zombie rabbits..

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Was in Asda (again) last night (see thread about money disappearing), saw the following:


1 pink pyjama clad chav

1 unzipped bare chested (male) tracksuit top chav

1 half mount baseball cap with waxed hair chav

2 drunk cheap cider buying elizabeth duke clad chavettes

1 overweight leering chav

4 snack aisle blocking alchohol breath chavs


and finally, 1 trolley prospecting grab the quid chav


Just goes to show, you dont need to go anywhere near Barnsley for a fun night out.

you think its bad here check out people of walmart photos lmao :angry:

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