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25th anniversary

henry d

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It`s my 25th anniversary next spring and I have thought that I could think of something really romantic,but i have been thwarted at every turn.

Neither me nor my beloved can get enough time off to go to Oz to visit my uncle(more like my dad than my dad was)we were married in Cornwall,were her family come from so i thought about getting our vows renewed in the church my grandma was married(as she is the oldest living relation)but this was found to be closed.

I would prefer to involve the in-laws and out-laws,but it`s not essential.


So over to you romantics......give it your best shot(a few funnies would be OK but anything seriously romantic preferred) :*) :thumbs:

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Get here a pearl necklace HD :D





LB ;)

What a cracking idea LB . Think i may take that one and use it for birthdays and christmas's :D


HD , seriously though how about giving her a holiday in Thailand , i know just the place , really romantic , and if she's not up to the romance , you can let her sleep . An get romantic with one of your many new Thai freinds :/


all the best yis yp :thumbs:

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