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Guest rimotu66

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I would of rammed birds car from behind if he wasnt wearing his seatbelt it could of made his head bang of the front screen or something.


Good plan ;)



I'm sure it's mentioned in the police training manual somewhere. :good:

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I thought plan A was to try to apprehend the suspect, not administer aid that is a job for paramedics, so surely the first 'job' is to bring the situation under control, this therefore requires someone to follow the suspect and guide in the proper support, without doing so allows the suspect time and distance which can not be afforded during such a incident, and my opinion is quite simply that by not doing the above bird was allowed to carry on, and I'm quite sure in time my theory will be qualified by an investigation ;)


In that interview Mr top brass looks quite shifty when questioned, body language and speech both betray him, knows more than he lets on :good:

Edited by Paul223
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Was there a Plan B if he didn't hit his head on the screen or it didn't disable him? :good:;)


Well better try something than let him carry on killing. Americans use the Pit maneuver where you just nudge one of the back wheels forcing a 180 degree turn.

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Well better try something than let him carry on killing. Americans use the Pit maneuver where you just nudge one of the back wheels forcing a 180 degree turn.


To leave bird to open fire on the unarmed police? come on there was nothing they could have done without putting their own lives in very real danger :good:



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So I will put in a diffrent more direct way.


Have the posters who are having a go at the lack off in there minds police intervention be in a close combat situ with a armed man while you where not .

Kind regards OTH



and no I'm not thinking I'd be all macho and ramboish before anyone suggests it

OTH I'll quote the above before asking


so are you saying it's correct for the police to turn their backs and hide during such an incident? :good:


may be the police should start wearing green suits and drive transit vans with stretchers in the back ;)

Edited by Paul223
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To leave bird to open fire on the unarmed police? come on there was nothing they could have done without putting their own lives in very real danger :good:




They would of at least slowed down bird for armed response to turn up. To not follow him at least was wrong of the police, but we will all find out this when the investigation into it has eneded and the Cheif Constable resigns.

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OTH I'll quote the above before asking


No but you say they should have challenged him directly and I correct in think or am I wrong .


so are you saying it's correct for the police to turn their backs and hide during such an incident? :good:


No but they should still maintain a level head and getting shot because of poor descions is not the way forward like ramming Birds car .Bird getting out of his disablbed car and and walking upto the police van and blowing there heads off.


may be the police should start wearing green suits and drive transit vans with stretchers in the back ;)

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They would of at least slowed down bird for armed response to turn up. To not follow him at least was wrong of the police, but we will all find out this when the investigation into it has eneded and the Cheif Constable resigns.


You don't seem to be hearing what people are saying. Firstly they stop following to tend to someone who had been shot are you saying they should have left this person there? if they had no doubt they would be being slated for it now and also so lets say the do ram him, or perform the pit manoeuvre on him and he is not knocked out and his car is not written off as they did has back end with their engine end so their car will have suffered some damage so what does bird do now? stop in his car and hand him self in? or does he open fire on these police officers and the member of the public driving the car? If they had tried this, chances are the body count would be higher .



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You don't seem to be hearing what people are saying. Firstly they stop following to tend to someone who had been shot are you saying they should have left this person there? if they had no doubt they would be being slated for it now and also so lets say the do ram him, or perform the pit manoeuvre on him and he is not knocked out and his car is not written off as they did has back end with their engine end so their car will have suffered some damage so what does bird do now? stop in his car and hand him self in? or does he open fire on these police officers and the member of the public driving the car? If they had tried this, chances are the body count would be higher .




But you can put it this way if they carried on following him he probably wouldn't of shot those others as he probably wouldn't of had time. Two cars was following one could of carried on following while the other one attended the casualty. As I said we shall see what the enquiry says.

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And your plan would just follow him and watch him kill more people? Police are there to protect the public thats what we pay them for.



Well better try something than let him carry on killing. Americans use the Pit maneuver where you just nudge one of the back wheels forcing a 180 degree turn.


It's a shame you weren't there, i'm sure you'd have saved the day :w00t:


How often do you practice the 'pit manoeuvere'? Probably as often as the average bobby on the beat. That'll be not at all then.

How often have you approached an armed man KNOWING that he's just killed and would happily pull the trigger on you? Not often i'll wager..........though of course i could be wrong?

If only the events of last Wednesday could be played out on the x-box i'm sure the outcome would have been very different. After all that's where you seem to have got most of your ideas from!!

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It's a shame you weren't there, i'm sure you'd have saved the day :w00t:


How often do you practice the 'pit manoeuvere'? Probably as often as the average bobby on the beat. That'll be not at all then.

How often have you approached an armed man KNOWING that he's just killed and would happily pull the trigger on you? Not often i'll wager..........though of course i could be wrong?

If only the events of last Wednesday could be played out on the x-box i'm sure the outcome would have been very different. After all that's where you seem to have got most of your ideas from!!


Aye my xbox apart from I aint had a PS or xbox for like hmm 10+ yrs?


And the fact that ambalance had to wait hours to treat victims because police had to check to make safe yet they were chasing the suspect? 2 dead people are better than 6+ fair enough of not bashing the car in but why not follow him??? Police are there to protect and serve.

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Hmmm...don't like charts like that.... sort of throws the whole..


"look at Switzerland, they all have guns but shootings are almost unheard of"


argument out of the window!


Hate to say it and I know it's (slightly) off topic but there really is a correlation between firearm ownership and incidence of firearm related death! I wonder though how those figures would look if suicides were taken out of the figures? After all, a firearm doesn't push someone to top themselves but if you were going to do it and had one available I suspect that would be the tool of choice!?


Interesting graph though, thanks for posting that. :w00t:

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Haha you really are hilarious... did you write the screenplay for the terminator movies?




No, you didnt write the screen play... you are terminator! Nice one Arnie!




what if none of these totally bonkers ideas worked eh? which is more than likely!


and what if it was your wife/girlfriend that the police left wounded so they could follow Bird. Im sure you would have different views then.


Maybe all you wanabe rambos should set up a modern day version of the A-Team.

its true I'm the writer! To answer ure cryptic sarcasim george h I was in cyprus with th u.n. On patrol on the line of control and as we walked through villigers came out pointing their shot guns at us,one pressed theirs in the officers face,this happend twice,and once in bosnia on a check point,and once down a chip shop in north london! I was shot at in seirra leone and bosnia (no one hurt thank god) so keep ure rambo comments to ureself .
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