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Cardiff schools keep pupils indoors after fox spotted


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FOUND THIS ON THE BBC news website, looks like the goverment better step in on this one and act accordingly,

time to repeal the hunting act me thinks, :huh: how else can we be safe from charlie? :huh:

Come on Mr Cameron was not this one of the election promises? act now for the saftey of us all :/:/:hmm: :(

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Worked in an inner city school in the 1990s...


'Hey sir, that rat's run up a tree' ... yes it was a squirrel!!

Also the hedgehogs were harried at lunchtime if they appeared.

Whilst camping in the Lakes with 15 yr olds we saw foxes, deer & red squizzers.


Back in the day when education outside the classroom had meaning... :(

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Heck, I saw a couple of foxes together the other day, should i stay in doors for the rest of my life in case they attack me? :(

Isn't this a bit of over reaction, and if it is let's hope it was organised by a few of the "tree hugging antis" who are changing their opinions of Charlie?:/?:yay:?:yay:?? :yay::D:D:huh::hmm::huh:

Maybe he isn't the harmless furry little chap that they always tried telling us he was after all :/ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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why do we need to repeal the hunting laws? i'm guessing your refering to the fox hunting ban, the alledged fox attack took place in an urban area not exactly the sort of place you can go galloping through with a pack of hounds, the only benefit i can see is that people might think twice about asking for guns laws to be tightened now they need protecting from these savage hell hounds, no real reason to bring back a cruel out dated sport when a rifle/shot gun is humane and more effective.


i got asked today by a chap who works at my place if i'd deal with a fox for him, his house backs on to fields and one came in his garden the other week, he's reported it to the coumcil and had fox repellant pellets put down! he's worried as he has a nine week old, i just humoured him but what an over reaction!

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no real reason to bring back a cruel out dated sport when a rifle/shot gun is humane and more effective.

In your opinion that is.


It can also be argued that with a pack of hounds it either goes one way or the other. Hounds don't wound animals to crawl off to die later and rifles and shotguns don't generally manage the hedges and fences for their sport. Rifles and shotguns are also unable to follow a trail and cast about for the scent of a fox.


FM :good:

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yeah that is my view mate and i don't expect everyone to share it, it's one of those subjects that will always have fairly strong views on both sides, and for the record it's not the split second the hounds take to kill a fox i find cruel it's the chase.

last time i checked its the landowner/farmer maintaining the hedges not the horses or hounds, they spend more time knocking them down in my experience weather they've got permission to be there or not.


anyway my point was people are worried about urban fox's where a hunt would have no impact in numbers, they should be shot and if done correctly shouldn't be running/crawling anywhere so would be humane and more palletable to the general public and help the shooting community as we'd be seen as the good guys for once not just the 'rambo wannabe's' with 'the james bond style sniper rifles'






i still chuckle to my self about it, i wasn't laughing when i was carrying it and pushing the bike though!

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Then you obviously aren't familiar with the role that a hunts 'countryman' and terriermen play with regards to maintaining fencing and hedges. There would be nothing for the hunt to jump, just barbed wire otherwise.



Does that include the hedge the hunt flattened on one of my permissions, and never mended. All because the couldnt cross the ditch and the hedge! :good:

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i appreciate not all hunts are the same mate but the only experiences i've had with them haven't been good, and no i've never seen anyone from a hunt out fixing hedges/fences or anything like that only steaming across land they had no write to be on the hounds ran through a pheasant shoot swiftly followed by the rest of the hunt ruining the shoot and not an appology in site only dirty looks for getting in the way!


all the hedges on all my permissions in the past have always been maintained by the land owner and the hunt was allowed on a couple of the permissions but didn't do jack. like i say i'm sure its different everywhere but i can only speak from my own experiences and the hunt seemed to think they was above the law, and still do openly going against the ban and still hunting!

Edited by bicykillgaz
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They are bloody dangerous things you know, these foxes!


Lock up your daughter, lock up your wife.....



now if only josef fritzl had thought to use that as his defence.... :good:


:good: :good: :good: :good:



and i have to say my own past experiences of dealing with hunts has led me to change the "h" to a "c", but im not getting into that argument again :(

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now if only josef fritzl had thought to use that as his defence.... :good:


:good: :good: :good: :good:



and i have to say my own past experiences of dealing with hunts has led me to change the "h" to a "c", but im not getting into that argument again :good:

I couldnt agree more with you babs :(

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I am sure you two are both correct with your experiences and I guess it shows how things are different across the country.


Can safely say no hunts would last long round here with that attitude, and when they used to pass across my Gran's old land they would either phone or write in advance and put clips on the wire fencing so it could be taken down and up with ease.


FM :(

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