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I sorry but I just can't believe that someone has a loaded rifle in their car.


Perhaps it really is time applicants for fac and sgc were subject to a medical to ascertain weather or not they had a brain.



???some of you dont live in the real world???


People shoot from vechiles all the time, have you never heard of lamping?


Have you never had an accident?


For gods sake, lighten up, yes it could of been serious, but luckily it was not, what doesnt kill us we learn from and can have a laugh at!

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You're quite right H, but in my mind intention has a great deal of bearing on how I feel about a person. This lad did this accidentally and no accident makes someone a bad person. He may be clumsy or a bit daft, but not bad. Luck was on his side and nobody got hurt so give him a break. I can say with 99.9% certainty that if he'd have had a passenger or someone was standing the other side of his car, he wouldn't have pointed his firearm in that direction whilst loaded. Shooting a car is only like clipping a branch with a round when shooting at a bunny. I point a loaded rifle at my truck all the time when I'm alone and although I wouldn't want to shoot it, it wouldn't be a major issue if I did as it's just a heap of metal with no feelings and it can be brought back to life with a spot of filler! When out with a shooting friend things change in a big way because something that matters is brought into the equation. At that point a loaded firearm is never pointed at the vehicle because the vehicles contents are no longer replacable.


I don't know if you'll see where I'm coming from but in my view he's not put anyones life in danger because he hasn't pointed his rifle at anything that matters if it's shot? ???



Hello NIC, I understand what you are saying BUT, anybody is less likely to make a mistake if they ALWAYS unload the rifle when it's not being used. That way you get 'trained muscles memory' in much the same way as boxers for example.


From the way you are writing it sounds as if you quite expect to hit your car at some time, and that it might even be a bit of a laugh.

I do not think I would be very comfortable shooting with you either.


All said in a very friendly way, of course.

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From the way you are writing it sounds as if you quite expect to hit your car at some time, and that it might even be a bit of a laugh.

I do not think I would be very comfortable shooting with you either.


All said in a very friendly way, of course.



That's pretty much covered it yes! It's an old Land Rover and if I ever did happen to shoot a hole in the footwell then at least it wouldn't hold the water that leaks in when it rains!


I'm not offended in any way by your comment so you've no worries there. I guess we just see things differently. I shoot with some very respectable people - An ex army shooting instructor, an ex armed response officer and a couple of very respectable and safe shots with a fair bit of experience. I know for a fact that most of them would shove my rifle in places I wouldn't want it if I ever did anything close to unsafe in their company, and I am (and they are) quite happy with my firearm safety.


You are seeing this accidental discharge as a major issue because an item that could hold people was shot. If there were people in the vehicle at the time I would be with you on that view 100% as the handling of that firearm would have been totally inappropriate in those circumstances. The way I see it though an empty vehicle in a field doesn't matter. An accidental discharge of any sort is far from ideal but in this case it hit an object that has no importance. I carry a loaded rifle around and with the correct procedures with others too, many people do. I have a good awareness of the muzzle and if the rifle was ever to go off the bullet would safely bed itself into the ground in front of me (or perhaps go through the footwell of my truck first if I was on my own). When I walk around in company and the rifle is loaded the people walking with me are slightly behind me and to my right so even if I trip and the rifle discharges I will be shooting away from them (I walk with the butt of the rifle under my right arm and the muzzle pointing down and to my left). Under no circumstances does the guy behind have his rifle loaded too - ever.


Unfortunately in this case the car was between the muzzle and the floor but no other people were present so IMO he wasn't pointing his loaded rifle in an unsafe direction. Unsafe for his car perhaps, but it doesn't really matter that he shot it. He hasn't killed it and I'm sure it will forgive him. :lol:


EDIT... I think the major point here is that people and inanimate objects are entirely different. I'm sure in the field you'd have no problems pointing your rifle at the base of a tree or perhaps at a silage heap? A car is the same, it doesn't really matter if you shoot it as the damage is repairable. If you shoot a person or animal there's no going back because you can't replace them. A car door is expendable.

Edited by njc110381
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I mentioned this to the mrs last night and she said that if I ever do anything like that, I'll be sleeping in the shed! B)


mine only found out after i left that the large hole in the rear tail light of her mini cooper (which she loved, and i detested) was not caused by an irresponsible shopper with a trolley in tesco's car park.... :hmm::lol: :lol:


anyway its nice to see we have the safety nut's out on the forum today, who have never ever had a moments lapse of concentration and had an oops :) give the guy a break, he had a moments lapse of concentation and messed up. id be very surprised (and suspicious) of anyone who claims theyve never had an oops (not necessarily to the same degree as this though) :hmm:

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