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Got a call from a freind that was icthing to go lamping last night.

As i was out the night before, some nice talking to my wife, got me out another night. :thumbs: :thumbs:

We went in me mates landrover first, but being it was full moon with hardly any cloud cover and the land rover having a white top :lol: , did not make driving around feilds very productive.

So we swiched to waiting in a corner of a feild with cover, over looking a valley and started to call.

Managed to call a vixen into 198 yds, she would not come in closer so i took her with my .223 using Federal Nosler Ballistic tips.

After a while a bunch of hares appeard and i got hungry, so took one at 103 yds, again with my .223, in the front chest.

In all well pleased, but i will wait till the moon subsides, as i new i should of done, but as i said, when you get a mate ringing you and is icthing to go, its hard to resits. :)

Pic below, the bipod is a mighty help :) , should of got one years ago. ;):lol:

Edited by Frank
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Frank take a look at this :*)


Taking hares at night

Under the Hares Act 1848, and Hares (Scotland) Act 1848 it is an offence for 'anyone to use any firearm or gun of any description at night for the purpose of killing game'. This is an additional offence to night poaching where game is being shot during the night which begins one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise. The Ground Game Act (as amended) and The Agricultural (Scotland) Act 1948, appear to override the prohibition on night shooting of hares by occupiers or persons authorised under the Acts.



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Frank take a look at this :*)


Taking hares at night

Under the Hares Act 1848, and Hares (Scotland) Act 1848 it is an offence for 'anyone to use any firearm or gun of any description at night for the purpose of killing game'. This is an additional offence to night poaching where game is being shot during the night which begins one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise. The Ground Game Act (as amended) and The Agricultural (Scotland) Act 1948, appear to override the prohibition on night shooting of hares by occupiers or persons authorised under the Acts.



yeah but using that lamp it was daylight :lol:;):)

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Kip, the hares in my area are plenty full and are causing problems in certain parts.

Hares can be shot over here from the 21st of September to the end of Febuary.

Weather its night or day.

I shot just the one, their was about 9 together, could of shot more, did not need to, plenty of meat in one hare. :lol:

I would shoot, no more than 2 in a year.

What appllies in Scotland, does not apply here mate. ;)

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Not too bad, their was a 2 inch exit hole on the other side.

The fox had more damage, i would put that down to meeting more resitance with a heavier animal, plus it hit a shoulder going in, so the exit hole on the fox was 4 inches :lol: with the shoulder blown to bits. Thats the buty of the ballistic tips and v.maxes ;) , altough the noslers are ment to have a tougher jacket.

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Good shooting as always Frank!


Was that the Harris you were going to try off someone on here?

I think they are great for longer shots, the only trade off being they make a light gun like the CZ a bit nose heavy. When I ahve mine on and the mod the gun is very unbalanced, hopefully my new stock will arrive soon and help to bring some of that weight back :lol:

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Hi Stuart,

I bought that harris last week, went mad and just went for it. It was not the one Gary so kindly offerd. I got it from my local gun shop, a bargain for 100 euro brand new. ;)

Its a 9-13 and it seems to mate fine with my CZ, but, as you mentioned before, it can come loose if not kept an eye on. I have found the bi-pod very usefull. :lol:

I dont think i will be putting a Mod on as well, it would be way out of balance.

Thanks for all comments. :)

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I dont think i will be putting a Mod on as well, it would be way out of balance.

As usual good shooting Frank :lol:


But you know me I alwys have a question to ask :lol: ................I too operate with an high powered lamp attached to the scope ...........Does yours have Dimmer switch capabilities and how do you find it??


Best thing I've done so far is fitting a T8 to my set up but I now get a glare off the Moderator even though the Coating is non- reflective .........Back to the drawing board ;)


Good hunting Frank :lol:



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