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Legal question............

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:good: Ok, enough is enough, i posted about the foxes opening the wheelie bins the other day, the next night the foxes attacked my neighbours 16 year old cat, unfortunately witnessed by my daughter. Luckily even though shes 16 she gave it what for.


Today my fox trap arrived and i baited it with 2 pigeons.The security light kept going on and off just now so i looked out just in time to see MY cat in a brawl with a fox, she ripped the hell out of it and it still went back for more!!!




I have a huge 30 feet wide brick shed at the end of the garden which would make a superb backstop.....Can i shot it without an open ticket?:blush:,


i have applied for one but this is getting daft, it has to go...........


Just checked my trap, it has dug a huge hole underneath to get to the pigeon and has pulled a wing throught the bars, will have to rethink its position tomorrow.


I know a lot of you dont like cats but buffy has been through hell and i dont want her killed by some scummy red *******!! :blink:



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How about snaring it, you will need to keep your cat in the house though.


theres too many cats around here, not just mine at risk.



I have a .410, could take the trap into a shed and shoot it with that...........would that be legal?


Failing that, stick it in the landy and drive 2 minutes to one of my permissions and whack it with the .22lr, .410. 12g....theres ways and means...............

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:blink: Joking aside, i didnt think of that.........would i be on dodgy ground with a 20ft/lb fac air rifle? Failing that....lump of 4x2, baseball bat or....dump the whole trap in the fish pond :good:

It's still a firearm. Drowning is not a humane method or killing.


Know anyone with an open ticket? How about a moderated shotgun?

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:blink: I dont know, i never even considered using one in my garden before but seeing that sent a chill down my spine.....my wife idolises that cat...and i think shes cool. Lisa would be devestated if the fox got her, she has had a lot of "scrappy" injuries lately, Im hoping this doesnt happen regularly. :good:

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I can see why you want that cat left alone, there's nowt wrong with a good cat despite what some folk say; mine returns frequently with mice and rats so as far as I'm concerned the fat *** is doing it's job admirably (it can't be ***** with catching birds, too fat and slow).


I would have thought a short drive to a safe destination would be the preferable option, rather than risk using it in the backyard.

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:good: I have a shed that has 14 inch thick walls and it heavily insulated that i bred my snakes in, I think if I took it in there i reckon Id get away with it. Hearing protection on of course.


The problem with the airgun is...I dont even own one anymore!!!



Tonight the trap is going down the side of the shed, it fits perfectly in the gap, leaving only the front of the trap exposed!!! :blink:

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EE Mate, I suspect that you already knew that you would not be allowed to use your .22LR or any other firearm where the land has not been approaved while on a "Closed Ticket". My advice to you would be to put the trap on a concrete base (Pathway or similar) and keep baiting the trap for a few days without allowing it to "trigger", this will give Charlie a bit of confidence. Then after say three or four days of Charlie taking the bait from the trap set it to trigger when he goes in. Once you have him all you need to do is to cover the trap (With Charlie in it) and take it to one of your permissions and help Charlie on his way with a .22 bullet straight between the eyes. The only thing to watch for when shooting Charlie in the trap is that you don't leave any traces of Charlies blood in the trap afterwards, other foxes will smell it and it might put them off.


I am not a great lover of snares, especially where there are cats and other domestic pets in the area, but then again I have very little experience of setting or using snares so I am not really in a position to comment on them! Maybe someone with experience in using them could better advise you.


Hope this helps mate, if I were closer I would come down with the HMR and Moderator to cure Charlies "annoying little ways" for you!


Foot Note - I have to say that I would not be in favour of using a Sub 12 Ft/Lb Air Rifle for Charlie under any circumstances except for dispatching him while in a trap, and then only if there were no other options!

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We went out last night.....


I missed a rangey fox but we saw about another 6.


I won't bore you with too much detail but we pulled into a field, lamped up and there were 3 sets of eyes. I thought it was part of the deer population (there are loads roaming). After a peep through the scope and some squeaking they come bounding out of the ditch - I thought we were near houses and so thought cats. Anyways, long and short one cub got it in the head in the ditch and the other scarpered but hung around in the ditch. Alas, they wouldn't come out.


We will be back however.....

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Use long cable ties to fasten the bait in, if a pigeon around the body and wings. Be discrete and no-one will ever know what you have done. I am not condoning the use of a closed firearms, but it is easy when you have a open ticket.


I have just started keeping hens in my garden and looking forward to a ginger visitor.

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I have just started keeping hens in my garden and looking forward to a ginger visitor.


You could well be wishing something more on to yourself than you can handle. Foxes will come at the most inopportune moments (like when you are away shoppin) when you are not able to watch for them. This is when they will inflict the most damage and you will not be able to exact revenge!

While i can understand your dislike for Charlie and your desire to put him in place I wouldn't want to "invite" him to visit your chucks in case he comes when you are not ready!

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