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What happens to his guns?


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A lad i know of is due his renewal but hasnt sent it off, i dont think he will get round to it by the sounds of things (local keeper has told me about him..he is not a friend..just the local village idiot!)

he has his own cabinet at his house and has a few shotguns...


if he doesnt renew his license in time and it expires what do the police do with his guns? will they get destroyed?


and also am i right in thinking that the consequences of not renewing but having the guns in his possesion could result in imprisonment or a hefty fine??


he seems to think they will tell him to put the guns in storage at a local gunshop/smith until he decides to get another cert..surely this cant be right!?

Edited by TJ91
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I know of a bloke who forgot to send his renewal forms in. About 3 months later police arrived and took his shotguns and .22 rifle.


All he had to do was reapply for SGC and FAC and then the police returned the weapons.


So almost no consequence.

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I know of a bloke who forgot to send his renewal forms in. About 3 months later police arrived and took his shotguns and .22 rifle.


All he had to do was reapply for SGC and FAC and then the police returned the weapons.


So almost no consequence.


Ho w did he forget?

i always recieve a letter reminding me to renew 9about 8 week before) and the once i forgot i got a final warning letter a couple weeks before myne expired

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I know of a bloke who forgot to send his renewal forms in. About 3 months later police arrived and took his shotguns and .22 rifle.


All he had to do was reapply for SGC and FAC and then the police returned the weapons.


So almost no consequence.


This has happened to me years ago my liscence lapsed about three months later police turned up at my door, i was at work at the time and all they said was that i had a couple of weeks to get rid of the guns with a rfd or put them on to some one elses ticket.

No consequences at all

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As long as by the day of expiration they are not in his possesion either on someone elses cert or at an RFD nothing wrong, once it has expired he is in breach of the law and as it's technically a firearms offence the police can take them and CPS can prosecute (would it be in the public interest to?) if he sends renewal in late then there will a period he cannot use or keep them until new cert arrives.


A mate just put his in with 8 weeks to go and had a letter saying they would not be able process it in time and to keep his old one + letter together and he could continue to use them buy carts etc on that basis until new one arrived as there was a backlog at FLO.

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If he is sat around waiting for someone to tell him what to do, it calls into question whether he is fit to possess them in the first place. Sounds a right numpty.


If he just does nothing, I hope he loses the lot. It makes shooters appear casual about the law.

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In practice it depends how efficient his force is, I know someone who signed his guns onto my ticket let his ticket lapse. Moved house to a different county applied 2 years later and his came pre printed with his last gun on, they hadn't put it on my ticket at all on the system and it never came to light, more to the point they didn't even ask if he had it when they did work it out.


In this case if he signs them over to someone else of an RFD no problem, otherwise he is in theory breaking the law though if you have sent the paperwork in and they can't complete it in time many will tell you not to worry

Edited by al4x
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Now here in Essex , we get sent the renewal notice a few weeks beforehand, and told NOT to send it in but wait for the FEO to call !

he arranges a day to meet, and then comes around to get money forms & look at guns/storage and eat a biscuit or two.


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