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Whats quicker : A variation or Grant ?

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Saturday I posted a variation to add FAC AIR (.22) and mod plus to open my certificate. (West Mercia)


I did it next day signed for so it will of got there today. Am curious as to how long this might take to get it back with my variation and if i will need another visit from my FLO ?


Typically is a variation any quicker than a grant ? I already have HMR 22lr !

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Saturday I posted a variation to add FAC AIR (.22) and mod plus to open my certificate. (West Mercia)


I did it next day signed for so it will of got there today. Am curious as to how long this might take to get it back with my variation and if i will need another visit from my FLO ?


Typically is a variation any quicker than a grant ? I already have HMR 22lr !


I've had a renewal and a grant in for the last 8 weeks and heard nothing!

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It's all down to workload, my variation took longer than my grant but my FLO said that post-Cumbria they were inundated with variations. Whether they visit for a variation is down to your force. I had a visit but I was adding bigger rifles, you may not get one.

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posted my last variation on a Friday FEO called on Monday Visited on Tuesday and had it back on the next Thursday with Herts and that was for 1st centrefire. In your case it should be very simple for the gun as you've already got more powerful weapons so there shouldn't be a need for a visit but the Open bit may slow it down. As said depends on workload and if you've an FEO like Herts where they work out if they sort them quickly they don't get a backload.

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Variation for my hmr and opening my license was quick, I think 6 days with the Gloucester constabulary, getting 243 was much longer even though I have my DSC1 but I did have to get a land check for the calibre as well and it was for deer and fox. I'm quessing it really depends on your force and what you ask for but the good news is that your with west mercia. I border their county and have often thought of moving house as by all accounts they are quick and understanding. Good luck with it and I'm sure it will be quicker than a grant.

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