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NI Club Affil. - Change from BASC


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Wondered if anyone else is going through what i'm experiencing?


I'm in a 100+ mem target club in Northern Ireland that have ditched BASC and who are shortly going elsewhere with their affiliation.


Since this process first started, i've received two BASC letters from across the water (not from the NI Director/Rep - we still don't have one, after @6 months of waiting) imploring/encouraging/threatening me to rejoin as an individual.


Am i alone in experiencing this emotional turmoil? Has anyone in NI/Scotland/Wales/England any tips on what to do?


spotlight :good:

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Wondered if anyone else is going through what i'm experiencing?


I'm in a 100+ mem target club in Northern Ireland that have ditched BASC and who are shortly going elsewhere with their affiliation.


Since this process first started, i've received two BASC letters from across the water (not from the NI Director/Rep - we still don't have one, after @6 months of waiting) imploring/encouraging/threatening me to rejoin as an individual.


Am i alone in experiencing this emotional turmoil? Has anyone in NI/Scotland/Wales/England any tips on what to do?


spotlight :yes:



Threatening you, what with ? :good:



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Wondered if anyone else is going through what i'm experiencing?


I'm in a 100+ mem target club in Northern Ireland that have ditched BASC and who are shortly going elsewhere with their affiliation.


Since this process first started, i've received two BASC letters from across the water (not from the NI Director/Rep - we still don't have one, after @6 months of waiting) imploring/encouraging/threatening me to rejoin as an individual.


Am i alone in experiencing this emotional turmoil? Has anyone in NI/Scotland/Wales/England any tips on what to do?


spotlight :yes:


I smell poo.


So you have ditched BASC for some unstated reason and don't have a plan B.


Well done you :good::yes:


And they make all those jokes about the Irish

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No one from BASC will have threatened you with anything.


You have a good team of three full time staff in BASC NI with Tommy and Amanda on the coal face meeting members lobbying, setting up events, helping members with all sorts of issues, and Laura holding the fort in the office..


There is also the BASC N Ireland Committee and even the Chairman of BASC live in NI


So please don’t tell me you have no resources or representation from BASC!


Who was it lobbying and winning for you guys all last week and the weeks before TOMMY!!!!


See here for a recent example:



Jump ship and get what? A cheap insurance deal that has loop holes in it that means it won’t pay up if you have ANY other liability cover in play…so what are you paying for exactly?


Jump ship and get a cheap deal from a team that has fewer resources than BASC?


Exactly who can, do and will deliver more for shooting in N Ireland, England, Wales and Scotland than BASC? No one.


Ckikey even a high Court Judge had confirmed that BASC is vital for shooting! See here: http://www.basc.org.uk/en/media/pressrelea...5E40D8D7E4F8B1E


If you have issues you want to talk over then for goodness sake ask Tommy to come and talk with you and the club – PM me your telephone number and I guarantee by close of plan on Monday Tommy will have called you back to set up a meeting.


BASC is THE best shooting club in the UK and you are an important part of it – don’t just turn your back and walk away, work with us to make BASC even better! :good:




PS the reminder letters come from me, they always have , well for hte last 15 years...) and I KNOW there in no threats in them!!

Edited by David BASC
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I was going shooting with relations in NI and Tommy was fantastic at helping me get things sorted. He'd speak to people on my behalf, follow up without being asked and ring me back to tell me what was happening. There couldn't be a more helpful and decent man in any shooting organisation.


But you think different? Why?

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If a person has his BASC membership via an affiliated club and that club then disaffiliates, then surely it is reasonable for BASC to write to the individual members pointing out that their BASC membership (and insurance) will lapse unless they join as an individual member.


The communications within some clubs is so dire that there is a real danger that some members will not even realise that they have lost their BASC membership unless BASC draws it to their attention.


Usually there will be another affiliated club that can be joined if guys prefer the less expensive option of club membership rather than full individual membership. I am sure that if the OP asks, David will be able to point him towards his nearest affiliated club.

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Wondered if anyone else is going through what i'm experiencing?


I'm in a 100+ mem target club in Northern Ireland that have ditched BASC and who are shortly going elsewhere with their affiliation.


Since this process first started, i've received two BASC letters from across the water (not from the NI Director/Rep - we still don't have one, after @6 months of waiting) imploring/encouraging/threatening me to rejoin as an individual.


Am i alone in experiencing this emotional turmoil? Has anyone in NI/Scotland/Wales/England any tips on what to do?


spotlight ???


If you av ditched BASC you must have ad a good reason so let's hear it??? What would concern me is that you say that you r in a 100+ target club and that you av ditched BASC and that "you are shortly going elsewhere" that means that currently you have no insurance?? Hardly a wise move is it??


I av been with BASC for years and I can tell you a friend of mine had his house broken into last Sept and all his guns were stolen. He had his FAC withdrawn by the PSNI but BASC in Lisburn fought the case and he got his guns back?? He lost a shedload of guns during a burglary and to be honest I'm stunned that he got his FAC back at all, but somebody worked their magic.......


I also heard that if you aint a member and you go to BASC with a gun problem, they might not take you on, now that is a scary thought!!


Your call, but think about you're options carfully b4 you jump ship.

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I smell poo.


So you have ditched BASC for some unstated reason and don't have a plan B.


Well done you :blink: :blink:


And they make all those jokes about the Irish



have you had a look through spotlights previous posts, its a corking read very subtle and quite a fan of the skirt wearing shooting organisation :)

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I do admire the CA's lobbying ability for foxhunting (horseback). But I don't really consider them a shooting organisation. The guy that I was chatting to on the stand at the CLA last year nearly burst a blood vessel when I told him that my main shooting interst was foxing!


But, IIRC, there wasn't a gun to be seen on their stand!

Edited by Glenshooter
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Good spot Alex. He hasn't made a single post which didn't either mention BASC or SACS.


Gooks in the wire.



And he (the OP) has gone very quiet indeed. Still waiting for answers to my questions.


I know little about SACS - wonder what they do for shooting, particularly with the threat to air-gunning in Scotland?

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