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Ok I got a buyer how much should I charge for pigeon breasts


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I got this email today........

" Hi Will,

On 30th Oct. Sat after next, I am doing the catering for a fundraising dinner for the Hall committee (to cover their insurance and repairs) and I need 50 pigeon breasts!!! can you supply? or do you anyone else? Cheers Jools"

and I said.......

"Hi jools

If you are Ok with frozen I have enough (shot over stubble this year so pretty fresh). Not sure what the going rate for these are but it would be good to get a few pennies towards cartridge costs!

I'll ask around.

Cheers Will"


What should I charge for clean frozen pigeon breast (not birds I always breast mine cause we have a small freezer).

Thanks guys your advice is much appreciated


PS bare in mind this is not a commercial operation just a friend!


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Thanks guys that's great in the end I said 80p a pair which is what it costs to shoot the things with my rubbish shooting?! Sounds like I went in a bit cheap but no matter it's friends and all for a good cause!


You are covering your cost so i would be happy with that mate, like you said its for a mate and you never know when he will do you a favour :good:

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