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Long range quarry shooting


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Just an observation.


Apparently you are a hero if you shoot a Taliban at 2500 metres, but shooting live quarry at a few hundred yards makes you a Moron! :yes:


Just goes to show in this screwed up world we live in people care more about animals than mankind!


...I'll just go and get my coat!





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Just an observation.


Apparently you are a hero if you shoot a Taliban at 2500 metres, but shooting live quarry at a few hundred yards makes you a Moron! :yes:


Just goes to show in this screwed up world we live in people care more about animals than mankind!


...I'll just go and get my coat!






I honestly can't remember the last time an extremist group of rabbits bombed our capital....

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Just an observation.


Apparently you are a hero if you shoot a Taliban at 2500 metres, but shooting live quarry at a few hundred yards makes you a Moron! :yes:


Just goes to show in this screwed up world we live in people care more about animals than mankind!


...I'll just go and get my coat!





Plus you can shoot one up the Khyber Pass with a fox calibre and not get slated on the forums .

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I thought different rules applied what with the Taliban shooting back and also having the freedom of choice not to engage in hostile actions. Indeed, what if the Taliban target is manning a mortar? Seems rather straightforward to me, and doesn't really warrant a new thread does it?


With regard to shooting live quarry, the question is why? Just why take the risk of a poorly place shot and injury? I can't find a single shooting text or authority where you are encouraged to shoot it as far away as possible.


What a strange thread.

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I thought different rules applied what with the Taliban shooting back and also having the freedom of choice not to engage in hostile actions. Indeed, what if the Taliban target is manning a mortar? Seems rather straightforward to me, and doesn't really warrant a new thread does it?


With regard to shooting live quarry, the question is why? Just why take the risk of a poorly place shot and injury? I can't find a single shooting text or authority where you are encouraged to shoot it as far away as possible.


What a strange thread.


:good: Agreed.


There was the old story that I for one used to believe (the ammo story that is), but a few of the army guys on here said it was nothing to do with using 5.56 over the 7.62, that injuring someone on the battlefield was beneficial, as it would take two people to get the injured person to safety. Thus reducing the number of people firing at you.


The topic actually read as if you were leaving the forum in disgust.

Edited by Billy.
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And how many of you are trained and experienced snipers :lol:


Some people seem to think they are as soon as their FAC hits the matt. All the gear and no idea :rolleyes:


You have a valid point.


It's the machismo that apparently goes with long range shooting and long range bullsh**ting.


If you look at it all rationally, you are still left with the question of "why?". Why take a longer shot in favour a nearer shot? It doesn't make any sense and I can't find a single shooting authority that recommends the longer shot as opposed to the nearer.


And no, I haven't seen any charging Rhino or Elephants in England.

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"why?". Why take a longer shot in favour a nearer shot?


I guess the answer would be cos they can....... we all like to think we are great shots and by taking longer shots you are pushing your limits like in any sort of sport, be it shooting long range shots or trying to go as fast as you can around a race circuit , so the answer is 'Cos they can' . Obviously they should be capable of the shot in question and not just practice on live quarry

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And how many of you are trained and experienced snipers :lol:


Some people seem to think they are as soon as their FAC hits the matt. All the gear and no idea :rolleyes:



One here...Ex-UKLF sniper..trained/passed in 1993..exp in bosnia..but we aint here to chat about that..but i do shoot at dist to my limit with what cal or i will get in close all depends on the ground im shooting and what shot it will or cant give me..as long as its safe to do so..and what im capable of hitting again and again...but have never shot a hare and never would at dist.


I dont class myself as any better than anyone else shooting rifle.

I never shoot beyond my capability on anything living



Edited by mickyfinn
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I shoot long range and I practice a hell of a lot too shooting at inanimate objects.


I have the fieldcraft skill that you all obviously think long range shooters lack and I use that too.


Don't think for one minute that all long range shooters are 'Sniper' wannabees, some are dont get me wrong, but dont tar us all with the same brush. I have the gear, custom .243ai fitted with very expensive optics, wind meters, pda with a ballistic programme on it etc, etc and I practice a hell of a lot as I have already said.


I think it's a bit 'wrong' to think that we have no idea.



Some would say that a few on here are 'ignorant' to anything other way of shooting than the one they know. A typical insult from people with very little knowledge maybe? Who know's!


I know one thing, I do not have to explain myself to anyone.





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I shoot long range and I practice a hell of a lot too shooting at inanimate objects.


I have the fieldcraft skill that you all obviously think long range shooters lack and I use that too.


Don't think for one minute that all long range shooters are 'Sniper' wannabees, some are dont get me wrong, but dont tar us all with the same brush. I have the gear, custom .243ai fitted with very expensive optics, wind meters, pda with a ballistic programme on it etc, etc and I practice a hell of a lot as I have already said.


I think it's a bit 'wrong' to think that we have no idea.



Some would say that a few on here are 'ignorant' to anything other way of shooting than the one they know. A typical insult from people with very little knowledge maybe? Who know's!


I know one thing, I do not have to explain myself to anyone.







Wasnt taring anyone mate, I said some people. :rolleyes:

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I shoot long range and I practice a hell of a lot too shooting at inanimate objects.


I have the fieldcraft skill that you all obviously think long range shooters lack and I use that too.


Don't think for one minute that all long range shooters are 'Sniper' wannabees, some are dont get me wrong, but dont tar us all with the same brush. I have the gear, custom .243ai fitted with very expensive optics, wind meters, pda with a ballistic programme on it etc, etc and I practice a hell of a lot as I have already said.


I think it's a bit 'wrong' to think that we have no idea.



Some would say that a few on here are 'ignorant' to anything other way of shooting than the one they know. A typical insult from people with very little knowledge maybe? Who know's!


I know one thing, I do not have to explain myself to anyone.







Well put Sprags


Also lets not forget some guys are good shots with rifles yet not so good with shotguns and vise versa...like me i am useless with a shotgun..prob why i dont have one yet but with the right rifle and kit ..and hell of a lot of practice..consistant shot after shot can be given at given ranges.


And yes i do know a few guys who like sprags says are wannabes..and in my eyes shouldnt be allowed a BB gun nevermind a FAC


But who am i to judge.



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Well put Sprags


Also lets not forget some guys are good shots with rifles yet not so good with shotguns and vise versa...like me i am useless with a shotgun..prob why i dont have one yet but with the right rifle and kit ..and hell of a lot of practice..consistant shot after shot can be given at given ranges.


And yes i do know a few guys who like sprags says are wannabes..and in my eyes shouldnt be allowed a BB gun nevermind a FAC


But who am i to judge.





Hi Mick,


If some of the guy's that don't agree to long range shooting had a trip out and experienced it I wonder how many of them would change their views on it?






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Hi Mick,


If some of the guy's that don't agree to long range shooting had a trip out and experienced it I wonder how many of them would change their views on it?







Good point..they prob would enjoy it mate..and guys, we are talking about shooting steel tgts here.



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I have shot long range target and the last time I was on the BASC running dear day I put in the highest score for a running dear at 100 yards.


Would I shoot long range quarry or shoot running dear if the option was:


1. shoot it nearer

2. shoot it standing still


then the answer is no.


You shoot anything at .4 miles and leaving aside all the safety issues about 10 feet plus of hold over, if you clip it, by the time you get down there you will never find it or put it out of its misery.


If you want to shoot at range, stick to paper.


Think about it - if it needs shooting then get near to it and shoot it with the right tool at the right range. If it doesn't need shooting or you are messing about or testing yourself, then shoot paper. Simples.

Edited by Mungler
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