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Knock back from farmer

Stealth Stalker

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Just driven past a feild of rape on my way home from work, with about a

1000 pigeon hammering it.


So I drive down to the farm to see the farmer, there he is looking grumpy

walking about the yard. So I go over to him & politely ask him if he needed

any help keeping the pigeon off his crop as I would be only to pleased to offer

my services.


He then tells me that there's no money in the crop and he has a"syndicate"

any way. So I ask him, how often the syndicate is there?


To which he replys, when they can be bothered.


So I explain that I am local & have shot on neighbouring farms. Dropping names

and generally grovelling.


He wasn't having any of it. All the time I was polite & courteous. And left him

with a thank you for his time, and would he mind if I tried again in a few months



His reply was "don't bother" maybe I caught him on a bad day? ???



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Perhaps the pigeons eating all his rape was depressing him. ???


Its important that you remain polite, even if the Landowner does appear to be a bit grumpy.

Its never worth burning your bridges.

Farmers are often suspicious of people approaching them, often with good reason.

Pity you couldn't have left him a card.

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Try again in six months mate :thumbs:







thats the way to do it.

never say die.

Most of mine Mark was through the 'wear the ****ers down routine'


Interestingly enough, a couple of geezer's I met a Ernyha's funeral, one was a salesman of sorts, got there's like this. They was never fazed by a 'no thanks' I think him and his mate have 90% of the region sewn up!


Moral is, never give up ;)






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As LB says 'never give up' you might of caught him on a bad day.If you keep asking at least he will know you are keen.And at the end of the day that is what they want.You are there to keep the pigeons,vermin off the crops not get huge bags if you make this clear to them you will be pleasantly surprised.It got me and my brother 3 days pheasant shooting this year,and a small wood to entice wild pheasant into so we and the farmhands can have our own walked up days :rolleyes:

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