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U/O v S/S

Irish squire

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Hi all,

I'm new to the forum and an looking for a bit of gun advice.

Currently I shoot a 12g single barrel Derby dating from the 1930s.

It was my grandfathers gun which I had reconditioned a few years back and it is in good working order and shoots well.

Id like to upgrade to a double barrel of similar age.

All advice welcomed .

I'm "Old School" so no modern stuff.



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Usually it is held that sxs are easier to manufacture than the o/u format, therefore in theory you should pound for pound be getting a better gun for your money in the sxs format. The traditional sxs is inclined to be lighter than it superimposed counterparts but this is down to the individual weapon, barrel and chamber length. One place where the sxs scores is in quick handling much faster to reload in a hot corner. A few years ago I did a bit of loading on a couple of major shoots. Most of my fellow loaders shot with o/u s but did they not moan if the guns their Gun shot with were Browning or Berretta rather than pairs of best English guns. At the end of the day it is down to personal preferance what you are most comfortable with and fits you best.



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As BP says, it's personal preference and from yours as detailed it's probably going to be sbs and possibly British. There are still many about and you can save quite a bit by buying what the majority don't want. Does your shooting demand the use of ejectors? No; big saving. Do you mind double triggers? No; few bob off there. Do you mind shorter barrels,25 or 26, say? No, mega saving there. Really though, you pays your money and takes your choice.


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A SBS and O/U feel and behave differently.


The O/U is a relatively recent phenomenon, and sales of the O/U are way above SBS today.


This was not the case 80years ago.


I can't get on with SBS, but this may well be because I was brought up on O/U and Semis and Rifles.


You will hear all sorts of tales of which are "best", but try and shoot BOTH before you invest! :good:

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Guest cookoff013

i use a sxs every now and again, i always get told its **** and i`ll never do well.

but hey, its my gun i`ll shoot what ever i like. if i wanted it sprayed pink, i`ll do it.


they are very nice to shoot, if you use nice cartridges, but can be alittle harsh. i wouldnt entertain a 3" even though its proofed to do that.


they are quick, just generally enjoyable.


when people go, "i cant shoot them because i have to adjust to shooting the right barrel for r to left targets and vice versa" they are talking alot of bull.

or the barrels on the side make me dizzy looking down the side of the rib.


you should just be looking at the target. !


i did have some issues with the double trigger, but a good 6 months clay spanking sorted that out. i even beat a few people.

for high volume shooting they do get hot. but thats good in winter !


just have fun.

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I take my sbs out whenever the noise is not an issue ,then its the Hushpower .I do not have an o/u any more as do not shoot clays . With me it is like my fly fishing ,I would rather fish dry fly and catch less rather than use a method I found less enjoyable . I am enjoying getting the hang of using the sbs and find it a great gun for taking for a stroll and have surprised myself by being able to hit things with it pretty well from the off . Very light and gives you nearly as many shots as a non fac semi ! Claymans post on here on the virtues of the sbs is well worth looking up . An AYA would not break the bank or a Baikal like mine even less .Then you could save for the O/U which would be more expensive .

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traditional double barrel, then it must be a side by side double trigger. Lots of nice box locks around but there should be a better choice at the end of the game shooting season on 31st Jan. Use a light cartridge in them like Eley Impax or Grand Prix, no heavy stuff orthe gun will kick like a donkey !!. If the budget does not go that far then look at AYA number 4 and number 2 side lock models, I have a number 2 as a back up gun, it handles very well and is a perfect gun for shooting rights and lefts.



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