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condition for a 243


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hi all a have just reciced my ticket back for my 243 i have a open licence and the gun came back closed , but the thing that got me is i asked for deer/fox and they have put- only take fox while stalking, they do not want me to use it for fox?? does that sound right are any of you been hit with that condition

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You need to talk to your fEO, I had probs when I sent my license to have closed conditions lifted, they sent it back with just deer, it was previously Deer and Fox. They changed it straight away. I have heard that my force ( Gloucestershire ) will not give a variation for 243 just for fox.

The Firearms dept don't get it right all the time and sometimes do not seem to be that up with firearm law,its your field of interest and you will invariably know more than them in most cases. As you can see from many posts on this forum that conditions and variations, even with the same force, can vary greatly from each and every application.

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I know of people that because they have eg 223 for a main fox rifle west mids only allow their 243 to be used in conjuction with deer stalking to shoot fox. However if your getting rid of the 223 I can't see it a problem. I use 243 and my ticket reads shall only be used for deer stalking and fox control and for zeroing.

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just tell them its no good. you need the rifle to shoot fox also not just out when deer stalking. your not going to be shooting a fox if your stalking deer are you in less you have shot a deer then see a fox right after. no one is going to want to shoot a fox well out deer stalking and give up whatever chance they have of bagging a deer.


also ask why it is on closed ticket when you have other rifles on open. i understand its got more power then the 223 but its not like you havent been trusted to have the 223 on open. and it doest matter if its 22 cf or 308 cf you would still shoot it the same way. with safe back stop behind it. some of these forces havent a clue.


what makes me smile the most is the average shooter knows more then the flo these days :hmm:


and when they start putting unfair stuff down on peoples fac you can see why some people feel unfairly treated

Edited by jamie g
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I think the consern here might be as previously suggested the cops feel a .243 is substantially more dangerous to shoot foxes in the lamp with than a .223. Of course those who are making the choices have little more than a weeks basic training in firearms :rolleyes: I have a .243" for all quarry but have been told IF i get a dedicated .22 cf for fox i might loose this gun for Foxing at night, as i did with the 7mm previously (wasn't bothered as i only use it on fox while stalking) You say you already have a .223 perhaps they might agree to put the .243" on for all quarry as and when you actually dispose of the .223, otherwise what is your "good reason for both"? Alternatly tell them why you actually require two dedicated foxing guns. The only thing is have a conversation with the powers that be by phone e-mail or better still letter and work it through with them in a polite friendly way

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Have you tried asking them to include the wording "Any legal quarry" as a condition in accordance with the ACPO reccommendations which state the this condition should be added for "anyone that requeste it"! If you can get that added you are home and dry as Fox would class as "Any legal quarry"!

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