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Frankie Boyle on C4 now


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wat was the harvey joke ? gutted i cart watch it



"no wonder jordan dumped peter and went for alex reid -Harveys getting big now and she needs someone strong enough to pull him off when he tries to **** her"


or something like that, massive uproar about it in the news last week.


Horribly offensive, but then the poor lad himself won't understand it and I couldn't give two ****s what his horrible little skank of a mother is upset by! :yes:

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found the full thing on the daily mail of all places!!


'Jordan and Peter Andre are still fighting each other over custody of Harvey - eventually one of them will lose and have to keep him.'


and then


'I have a theory about the reason Jordan married a cage fighter - she needed a man strong enough to stop Harvey from ******* her'



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Sick and unfunny


Defence mechanism for being ginger??



......and Scottish no doubt.


Anyone can raise a laugh by shock tactics. The amount of jokes that circulate when someone dies or has an accident/disease etc. is proof of this, (Jade Goody, Michael Jackson, Stephen Hawking etc), but to base your whole show on trying to shock becomes very boring, very quickly.


I've never found the bloke very funny and watching his show last night just showed him up for what he is. A one trick pony desperate for recognition resorting to the lowest common denominator.

There are plenty of genuinely funny comedians out there, I can't really see why he's given airtime to be honest. The fact that he's on C4 pretty much sums it up for me.

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Same as anything if you don`t like it don`t watch him!!!


Bet you lads that don`t like him find that bafoon Harry Hill hilarious!!!


Frankie obviously isn`t to everyones taste but he is selling out at all his shows, so someone must find him funny!!!


And I am one of them :good::lol::good:


So what if he offended jordan, people get upset at jokes and someone is at the sharp end of every joke , thats what makes it funny . . . people will laugh at other until it hits a nerve with them!!!


Frankie Boyle is getting rich making fun of disabled people.


I don't know why they don't stand up for themselves. :good:

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