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found this field yesterday

decoying mad

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as above was out having a nosy and droped on this rape field near my house :yes:


i have never seen as many pigeons in my life and the photos are **** they dont even show half of how many birds there was :no:

i would guess but there was over 2000 birds on this one field :yes:


every rape field around me is coverd in pigeons at the momment. just ashame its all estate land :oops:

as i said pics are off my phone so are verry poor :lol:


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Saw one like it a couple of weeks ago..set up...bang...bang....2 shots and 100,s of pigeons heading somewhere else. :lol:



same story around here, but one day soon I will find them on a bit of rape that they want to stay on, I have a couple of slabs of cartridges in the Landy just waiting :yp: :yp: :yp: :yp:

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as above was out having a nosy and droped on this rape field near my house :yes:


i have never seen as many pigeons in my life and the photos are **** they dont even show half of how many birds there was :no:

i would guess but there was over 2000 birds on this one field :yes:


every rape field around me is coverd in pigeons at the momment. just ashame its all estate land :oops:

as i said pics are off my phone so are verry poor :lol:


Ey up decoy mad.... this lots not on the wentworth estate is it. I know some of the farmers and keepers up there and have permission on some of it. may be worth finding out who leases the field, its always worth askin?

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