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fox at dusk


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Hi everyone!


This is my first post on here but i couldn't resist sharing this story.


On our shoot we have a wood split by a ride down the middle and a cottage to one side. The residents here told us that a fox had been slaughtering a number of chickens over the past week. We had seen the culprits on the pheasant shoot the previous week but it wasn't safe to shoot.I rolled the dog over as he broke through. We have had several encounters with this vixen over the past weeks with the lamp, but never managed to gain an opportunity for a shot, (maybe the undesirables had been having a crack at the foxes as well as the deer).


So this evening an hour before dusk I took a pheasant and left it 100 yards in front of me hoping this would help give me a shot. I knelt down on the edge of ride where we had some pallets stacked up next to the main pheasant pen and draped an old white shirt over my rifle to blend into the snow. An hour passed as I let out a burst of squeeks off the back of my hand every 5 minutes, then just as i wondered if I'd ever see the fox there was a fit of excitement from the song birds, which i knew was the sign i was waiting for.... however **** law this was all happening over my left shoulder and in line with the cottage! Then of course she came out looking for where this squeeking was coming from, not presenting a safe shot, and marched over towards me. I thought oh great it'll see me and be gone, but the cold must have reduced my scent and she walked up to 4 meters from me and sat looking the other way. i just stayed frozen (just like my fingers!) and she walked back across behind me, had a sniff around and went back to the brambles she had popped out from. So i repositioned myself and let out a couple of squeeks knowing she was looking for food, and second guessed where she'd reappear. She did come from where i guessed, however she was literally running at me so i let out a click with my tongue and raised the gun and she turned and hopped back towards the edge of the wood. So i let out another squeek and she turned just off sideways to me and I let a round off from the .222 straight through the engine shed and down she went at 40 yards. She had some weight behind her so has definately been feeding well this past few weeks, just like the dog i got on the shoot the weeks before. He was the biggest fox i've seen in the past 3 years... got to respect them doing so well in such harsh conditions.


It seemed like an age shen she was walking around behind me and all i could think was why didn't i have the shotty! Anyway i've solved the problem for the chickens and pheasants for now, and off out with the lamp in a couple of hours! I would have stayed to ensure there wasn't a second charlie if my hands would have allowed, but i decided i had to get back indoors!


cheers guys, i've enjoyed reading the foxing stories over the past week!


happy christmas!


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Cheers guys. Just had a round with the lamp and saw 2 and a roe deer. The foxes didn't seem to be in the mood for lamping. I think the poachers have been making them lamp shy recently.


What does everyone think is the better choice for fox control at the moment other than trapping? lamping or shooting at dusk?



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I've been clearing a few up with the shotgun at early evening, with the snow on the ground no need even for the lamp, just bait and squeek. I did see one out this morning as brazen as you like just marching across the field, unfortunalty I had a cup of tea in my hand instead of the gun.

Might be worth an early morning for a change.

Welcome to the forum. :good:


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Seen another one tonight, another large dog fox. Looks like another evening sat out :D ... though christmas day is in the way! Maybe on boxing day the smell of turkey and stuffing in me will attract all the foxes in the area towards my barrels. Saw a nice sized vixen when i came off the motorway today, just stood at the junction watching the cars go by. I wondered how many people drove past and thought how cute it was...

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