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Is your woodburner blasting out


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Will have to form the 'logburner' sub section Dave. Mine has been running for weeks like a blast furnace with x2 working cockers making sure it doesn't go out. See you have x2 baskets of wood - saves going out - but where's the empty bottles - your not a 'cat rescuing Monk' having a quite christmas. Only joking have a good one - must get a picture of mine running.

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Our other two cats used to keep fire topped up but after they went we said we would never have another Pet - pain at end was too much - not only for them but us also - three years on we have recovered and got another but this one needs a lot of training yet :yes: They seem to think stoves are just to lie in front of. :yes:



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Yep mine is burning nicely, every day since last friday.

12 month old poplar, nicely dried.

Although I am getting through the wood at a bit of a rate.


I treated myself to a bigger chainsaw (Husky 340e 18")


When the thaw eventually comes, I'll be stocking up.

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Poplar is not so good to burn I hate burning it. Birch is one I like to use a bright flame decent heat and has a nice smell to it.


I have a stove in my bedroom but I broke the window in it so its offline atm. So nice as you read a book in bed have a blazing flame roaring and crackling next to you.

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yep same here nice and warm :good:


just got in from the pub had a couple of beers, chucked a few cases in my new tumbler, i can just hear it humming away upstairs, then probably have forty in a bit :good:



Dougy, thats a hunter herald stove isnt it? i have the same stove in double sided format....



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I have a Queenie stove but unfortunately, the front grate has burnt through on one of the bars so a lot of the fuel drops through before being burned.

Tried everywhere for a replacement but no luck which is a shame because it really belts the heat out and is very economical at around 5 to 8 kg of coke a day.


This is the same as mine.



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What sort of gun is that in your log basket?


I should of checked the area well before i took the photo, it should not have been left in there, i must have forgot to put it away when i used it last, a good job i didnt get a visit :yp:

Its a "Ultra short action doubled barrel shovel gun" i find it very usefull it close quarter's


Dougy, thats a hunter herald stove isnt it? i have the same stove in double sided format....




Yes its the Herald 8 with boiler :good:

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I have a Queenie stove but unfortunately, the front grate has burnt through on one of the bars so a lot of the fuel drops through before being burned.

Tried everywhere for a replacement but no luck which is a shame because it really belts the heat out and is very economical at around 5 to 8 kg of coke a day.


This is the same as mine.




I Didnt know you could still get Coke, I thought that finished when the north sea gas came in??????

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I Didnt know you could still get Coke, I thought that finished when the north sea gas came in??????


My coal merchant has it...better than that smokeless brazier stuff and once lit, belts out heat and burns for ages.

I think these days it also contains a percentage of Petroleum Coke..a refinery by product although I have not a clue where the rest comes from.

All I know is its good.

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