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can i take my dad out shooting


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I don't want this to run into another 6 pager with everyone slagging each other off,but I'm getting a little confused here. :blush: I've had anopen ticket for years and alos the deemed suitable clause,but didn't the OP sayu his dad had a closed ticket?If he has deemed suitable on his ticket then doesn't he have in fact an open ticket? I agree with you bignoel,I thought that was what i said in my original response,but I stil don't understand the point kdubya makes about the calibre.When the land is 'cleared' isn't it done so with a specific calibre in mind,or just cleared for shooting in general? :hmm:

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I don't want this to run into another 6 pager with everyone slagging each other off,but I'm getting a little confused here. :blush: I've had anopen ticket for years and alos the deemed suitable clause,but didn't the OP sayu his dad had a closed ticket?If he has deemed suitable on his ticket then doesn't he have in fact an open ticket? I agree with you bignoel,I thought that was what i said in my original response,but I stil don't understand the point kdubya makes about the calibre.When the land is 'cleared' isn't it done so with a specific calibre in mind,or just cleared for shooting in general? :hmm:



deemed suitable by the chief constable is not an open ticket it is closed but not land specific IE named land, it means you can shoot on land that HAS already been cleared for use and yes it is calibre specific if say you had permission to shoot on land cleared to .22rf the no you could not shoot say a.243


an open ticket says lawfull authority to shoot ie YOU make the decision as to whether the land is suitable for whatever calibre you want to shoot, not slagging anyone just the lad asked for facts not innuendo and missunderstandings.



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If your cert is closed then the land you intend to shoot on has to have been cleared by the FLO as suitable for that calibre, if your cert is open then it's up to you to decide.


In fact you could happily take a non-FAC holder out and let him use your rifle (provided the land owner has given permission).


The fact your dad has a FAC and his own gun is irrelevant, the only thing you need is the land owner's permission.


I took someone from this very forum out last week who has a FAC and land cleared for rimfires. The Landowner was happy for me to come along although I wasn't shooting I did supply the 4x4, Labrador, Lamp, .22LR and ammo and he shot.

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:rolleyes: some people have balls made of crystal I'm sure :blink:


kdubya is spot on, if the land is passed for .243 and the land owner is happy for you and your dad to have a walk about then there is no problem, have a good day shooting with your old fella :good: enjoy :yes:


a closed cert only confines the shooter to land which has been deemed suitable by the chief officer of police for that caliber, so if the C O P has deemed it suitable (passed / cleared what ever you want to call it) for .243 your dad only needs the consent of the land owner


with a open cert the suitability of the land is down to the shooter and not the C O P, hence the reason why you can use your .270 on the land cleared for .243 :good:


the closed cert is a way of allowing a new shooter to gain experience over land which has good safety potential

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Hi all hope you had a nice xmas day. I need some help I have permission to shoot up to a 243 on a closed ticket on my local farm but I only have a 270.In that case you can only use a 270 if thats all you have registered on your ticket. Now my dad who also has a closed ticket hasn’t got permission to shoot on my land but has a 243 can I take him out shooting on my land No not unless you are accompanied by the Landowner or have his written permission and also clearance from the FALO You can only take people on to land to shoot that is in your ownership, and they would need to have an Open ticket.


An open ticket is granted where the certificate owner is given the responsibility to determine that land where he has permission to shoot from the Landowner is suitable for the calibre of firearm he proposes to use and is that firearm registered on his certificate


A closed ticket is issued where the Fire Arm Liason Officer has inspected the Land ( generally with consideration to the owner) and deemed it suitable for the use of the calibre of Firearm registered on that certificate by that Certificate holder.

Please remember that whether you have a Open or Closed certificate, you need the landowners permission, and can only use the firearms which are registered on your certificate.


The exception to this is when visiting a club or when accompanied by the Landowner and using ( with his permission) his firearms


Why not just ring the FALO and explain to him, I bet he says as long as its OK with the Landowner its OK by the Law.

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