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AA S410F vs S410 vs S510 Differences?


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Hi all,

I am thinking of treating myself to a new PCP. I've had my 0.22 HW80 for 25+ years but fancy a change to a PCP. Having looked at a few past posts I thought that the S410 was the way to go because it gets good reviews and isn't too expensive.


I have noticed the S510 seems to be not too different but hardly gets a mention, if at all. Could anyone explain the differences and any pro / cons of each one. From what what I can see the 410 is maybe a bit lighter?


I went to look at a few in a dealers today and they had in stock a S410F superlight. Again, I haven't seen this get mentioned before. A look on t'interweb suggests that as well as being lighter it also has an improved trigger?


When I bought my HW80 0.22 were real guns and .177 were "toys". Seems things have moved on a bit since then so I am probably going for a .177. Use will include rats around farmyards/stables etc where even the 410 Hushpower is a bit OTT and corvids out to sensible range (25-40yards max). Not likely to get used for rabbits in the foreseable future as shotguns/rimfires have mainly got that covered - but never say never.


Cheers, HW682


PS the last paragraph is not meant to re-start the whole .177 vs .22 debate, but just give a bit of context to the use I am thinking of.

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ah but a side lever is mechanically superior over a bolt. anyone who's ever owned an s400 or s410 will not the horrible gutted feeling when you take what seems and easy shot at a pigeon or rabbit only to be greeted by a blast of air in your face and the quarry flying off unharmed with the the pellet dropping way before it reaches the quarry due to the lack of power. this is when the bolt isnt put down properly and can be easily flicked up by catching on a fence or you accidently flicking it up with a limb whilst stalking. with a side there is no chance of it accidently being flicked out of place. theoreticly the s510 is superior to the s410. in every other way the guns are equal though. the superlight is the same but has about 1lb shaved off it. the only improvement on the trigger is a small spring to stop it flicking around when th erifle isnt cocked. personally i dont like this as the loose trigger was a great indicator that the rifle was uncocked.

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I think the only difference is the S410 is a bolt-action rifle and the S510 is a sidelever cocking rifle.

I got to say the S410 is one of the best PCP's ever made!!Fantastic rifle!!

I have owned a AA S410 .177 CLASSIC and it was better than i could ever have hoped,accurate to well beyond 40yrds :yes: ,to try and answer your questions i would say;

410,stiff bolt that you get used to,poor bluing so ALWAYS oil after use,heavy,would buy another tomorrow,oh and as for catching the bolt :hmm: never happened to me.

510,didnt like the side lever,it looked as though i could brake it :yp:

410f,no idea,but if its just a lighter version go for it.

.177 is faster/flatter trajectory so hits what you shoot at with enough power to down a rabbit at 60yrds head shot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Side lever or Bolt preference is of course personal.

BUT look on the airgun forums and how many threads do you see complaining "my bolts stiff" or "my bolt flies open when cocked"?

The side lever 510 has been out quite a while now and I have not seen one complaint over it's mechanics.

I liked my 410 but the bolt being stiff put me off. I now have a 510 and can't fault it!

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You started with and liked the HW80, why not get the HW100 you wouldn't be disappointed.


I'm sure I wouldn't be disappointed.

I was leaning towards the S410 because it seems to get recommended over and over again as a good quality / good value for money rifle. The HW100 is the thick end of £200 more.


Thanks for input from others as well.




Edit to add: tried a new one at the weekend. Yes the bolt was a bit stiff, but I think I could cope with it.

Also it doesn't have the greatest shot count in the world, and isn't regulated....

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Thanks again for all the replies.


In the end I went for a S410F Superlite Carbine in .177.

No regrets so far. Took it out today for a couple of hours for the first time.

The bolt isn't bad at all if you put your thumb on the side as suggested in the manual - I think this helps to make sure you pull it straight back rather than slightly to one side which would make it bind.



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