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Getting paid

wol the hunter

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insurance could be a problem, dont think the standard basc will cover this.

Its ok as long as parent signs agreement on behalf of child or if they are over 16 they can sign it them selfs.if they are under 21 they must stay with me at all times.B.A.S.C are getting back to me about a policy they do,but police have addvised i draw up a contract myself stating that you or you child are here at they own risk :rolleyes: etc..etc

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insurance could be a problem, dont think the standard basc will cover this.

Its ok as long as parent signs agreement on behalf of child or if they are over 16 they can sign it them selfs.if they are under 21 they must stay with me at all times.B.A.S.C are getting back to me about a policy they do,but police have addvised i draw up a contract myself stating that you or you child are here at they own risk :rolleyes: etc..etc

good man Wol

all the best on your venture.

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insurance could be a problem, dont think the standard basc will cover this.

Its ok as long as parent signs agreement on behalf of child or if they are over 16 they can sign it them selfs.if they are under 21 they must stay with me at all times.B.A.S.C are getting back to me about a policy they do,but police have addvised i draw up a contract myself stating that you or you child are here at they own risk :rolleyes: etc..etc

good man Wol

all the best on your venture.

thanks :thumbs:

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Easy mate ..


Seeing as it's going to give some young uns a leg up ...


£5 an hour for your time

£20 for the Farmer a CHEAP bottle of something .. Better make it £30 ! still a bit tight but *** !

£20 fuel and other expences .

AN EXTRA £5-£10 A HEAD , to get the "clients" something useful to remeber there time , with you .



all the best yis yp :rolleyes:

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Easy mate ..


Seeing as it's going to give some young uns a leg up ...


£5 an hour for your time

£20 for the Farmer a CHEAP bottle of something .. Better make it £30 ! still a bit tight but *** !

£20 fuel and other expences .

AN EXTRA £5-£10 A HEAD , to get the "clients" something useful to remeber there time , with you .



all the best yis yp :rolleyes:

sounds about right,tar

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Are these guests purely going to accompany you or will they be using your firearms and shotguns ?


I ask because it is still debated on here, if only the landowner or the landowner and the person with sporting rights can accompany a guest and use their firearms/shotguns.


I am all for teaching youngsters about the great outdoors, but I would hate to think that you became the test case in a court of law.



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Are these guests purely going to accompany you or will they be using your firearms and shotguns ?


I ask because it is still debated on here, if only the landowner or the landowner and the person with sporting rights can accompany a guest and use their firearms/shotguns.


I am all for teaching youngsters about the great outdoors, but I would hate to think that you became the test case in a court of law.



If they have not had a go with with a gun before then i give them an unloaded gun to carry,if a snap shot comes there way then i get them to shout name of quarry out and yes for a shot or no for no shot.ie a pigeon flies over they shout PIGEON YES.sounds daft but it worked on my eldest son.when i feel ok with them then i let them have a go.i take air rifle.22rim.17hmr and 2 12bores.the police have given me writen conformation that as long as i have written permission from land owner then they can use my guns but if they are under 21 they must stay with me at all times.so far i have taken 9 unpaid guests out of all ages youngest being 10 oldest 33 and all have had a great time.some kids dont do out door sports so i think it will work. :rolleyes:

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Take the kids out free, no charge for, say, under 16's. Charge the adults the going rate.

this is the best suggestion so far.im thincking under 16 must have someone over 21 with them from there family.the day will start with rules and regs then ill take them for a 2 hour walk upto a small lake where we will do a bit of mooch fishing then we will go back to truck for lunch.after we will smoke some rats out and watch dog at work then a bit of roost shooting all this £80. nifty for me and 30 for farmer.ill take loads of digital photos and send to kid,hows that sound? :rolleyes:

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I wouldn't pay £80 for anything that involved a 2 hour walk. :rolleyes: :thumbs:


Seriously, the programme you suggest isn't worth that amount of money.

You can fish all day on most commercial lakes for under £10.

Watching rats getting smoked out is not everyones idea of participating sport.

Roost shooting lasts less than 3 hours if you are lucky, sometimes its less than 2 hours.


I would suggest that you put up some permanent hides on good crop fields and rent out the pigeon shooting on a guided basis.

Treat the fishing lake as a seperate enterprise.

You set everyone up at the beginning of the day and just monitor them the rest of the time.


Also be aware you have to have some sort of clearance, to deal with children below a certain age.

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I wouldn't pay £80 for anything that involved a 2 hour walk. :lol::lol:


Seriously, the programme you suggest isn't worth that amount of money.

You can fish all day on most commercial lakes for under £10.

Watching rats getting smoked out is not everyones idea of participating sport.

Roost shooting lasts less than 3 hours if you are lucky, sometimes its less than 2 hours.


I would suggest that you put up some permanent hides on good crop fields and rent out the pigeon shooting on a guided basis.

Treat the fishing lake as a seperate enterprise.

You set everyone up at the beginning of the day and just monitor them the rest of the time.


Also be aware you have to have some sort of clearance, to deal with children below a certain age.

:lol: thanks ,change of plan.im going to take a guest out tomorrow wich will be my tenth non paying guest.and before we go i will say pay me at the end what you feel is a realistic price.cheers :lol:

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