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Farm permission.

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Went for a walk round farm near me for couple rabbits, its about 120 acres couple small woods and a good flight pond.

There was not much about which is not normal, on coming off I saw the farmer who said he thinks a couple of lads from the shoot across the lane had been poaching with the lamp. He said he had seen there van parked in the layby a couple of times, but coundnt prove it was them.


He said that they had put a lot of pheasants down, and lot was crossing over onto his land, I have all so had my duck feeders nicked. The farmer said he had never seen so many pheasants on his land in the 40yrs that hes been there.


Do you think I should put a few feeders down for next season, or would it be a waste of time.


Cheers Dave.

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Cheers mate.


Will buy few bags off my syndicate shoot, and give it a go, just asking for a few opiniums on if it would work.

Been shooting pigeons rabbits ect a lot of years, but not sure it would hold the birds, with it being one of my small permissions, its a good land for training the springers, rabbits ducks and the odd pheasant.


Cheers Dave.

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I would definitely give it a try mate.As long as you keep plenty of food down the birds should stay around.A bit of permission i use to have was not far from a shoot and a few birds use to cross the boundary on to my permission so i but 2 or 3 feeders in the 2 little woods and it worked.I had some good days from doing that.


good luck and happy shooting

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I am assuming that you don't put any birds down yourself, my apologies if I have assumed incorrectly.


I would guess that if the shoot across the road see that you have put feeders out in an attempt to pull

their birds away, your feeders won't be there very long.


It is one thing taking the odd pheasant that strays across your boundary, but totally different to actively

try to pull them across.


It may cause you more trouble than it's worth if the shoot across the road see this happening.


Just my ten penneth as a keeper who has had this happen in the past....it doesn't happen anymore!

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If you read it again he has a flight pond on the ground and its those feeders they have nicked.


Personally at that point I would shoot every pheasant of theirs that crossed the boundary and make sure they knew why, I'd then replace the duck feeders and make sure I had a game camera covering them so I could prove who had stolen them.

Simple fact is you cannot stop people feeding your birds across boundaries other than by good keeping and as much dogging in as possible. As long as you have the farmer on side it is fine and nothing illegal or dodgy other than the shoot getting their knickers in a twist about it

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Quote "The farmer said he had never seen so many pheasants on his land in the 40yrs that hes been there."


So do you need to put up any feeders ? You may be right about the next door shoot taking your duck feeders , but just how sure are you? its so easy to jump to such conclusions . I thought this once and later found it was kids taking the feeder corn for their chickens. I would replace your duck feeders if possible somewhere difficult for anyone else to get to ( perhaps a padlock and chain would be useful ) and talk to your next door shoot , not blaming them , but pointing out what has happened. Be happy with a modest bag of pheasants , but if your problems with the next door shoot continue then ok shoot as many as you want to.


I had a problem of a slightly different sort at the end of the season . I shot a brace of big greylag geese almost as soon as I steped onto the marsh. Rather than carry 20lbs of geese with me out to the edge of the saltmarsh I hid them under a sueda bush well away from any paths. When I returned an hour later they were gone. I blamed other fowlers , dog walkers , birdwatchers anyone I could think of ( despite having the marsh to my self that morning ). I let the dog roam about the marsh a bit and she found one goose 50 yards away with some of its wing feathers being bitten off. The truth dawned on me the thief had been a fox . No doubt having stashed one bird he had come back for the second and been disturbed by me when I returned. So things are not always what they seem.


I bet that fox thought is was christmas when he stumbled over a brace of fat geese that morning.

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I am amazed that people who complain about poaching seem to think that it's OK for them entice next doors birds onto their shoot which amounts to the same thing.


As browning says I've had it happen in the past and I'm pleased to say that after dealing with the matter harshly word has got around that such behavior causes the culprit untold grief.

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I am assuming that you don't put any birds down yourself, my apologies if I have assumed incorrectly.


I would guess that if the shoot across the road see that you have put feeders out in an attempt to pull

their birds away, your feeders won't be there very long.


It is one thing taking the odd pheasant that strays across your boundary, but totally different to actively

try to pull them across.


It may cause you more trouble than it's worth if the shoot across the road see this happening.


Just my ten penneth as a keeper who has had this happen in the past....it doesn't happen anymore!


i'm with browning on this one, a lot of hard work goes into keepering and to have somebody actively trying to tempt your birds would be a little annoying !!


its one thing putting a few feeders around for a few that wander, its a different matter to actively persue trying to pull birds off a neighbouring shoot, not a great way to make friends or continue good relationships at landowner level either, i think the farmer that owns the land the shoot is on may be a little miffed aswell as the keeper#


and as said if there are that many wandering why cause any more hassle just get out and shoot them, knowone can say a thing then

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