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She's big, ugly and awkward.....


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On Friday night took my experimental NV setup out for a shine for the first time and I'm over the moon.


I bought an old Sony camcorder with Night Shot mode for a tenner - it works to view but won't record - and attached it to my scope by riveting a split metal tube onto a lens hood and clamping that to the scope with a jubilee clip.


I bought an IR filter for a fiver that I attached to an old 12v spot light that was way too powerful for my needs, and used 22mm pipe clips screwed to a bit of pine to clip it to the air chambre. In short the whole thing would even make Heath Robinson cringe but it seemed to work pretty well.


Despite being a clear, almost windless night I took it to my closest permission to test it. I had a quick scan of the field and saw 2 pairs of eyes 60-80 yards away, stalked closer and scanned again and saw clearly 2 rabbits at around 40 yards, got closer and took the nearest with a clean head shot. The second didn't move for a few seconds but with the gun in an awkward position I couldn't find the bolt to cock it quick enough and by the time I was ready it had hopped into cover. I took another with a clean head shot further on but missed one when I misjudged the distance, then I bagged one more bunny before the battery started loosing power, so I called it a night.


It was such an improvement having time to take a shot where previously I would have had an instant brfore the lamp-shy bunnies were running for cover. The shooting position is horrible and it's heavy, but I was very impressed with the range and all for less than £20. I can't wait to take it out again, preferably on a better night.


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looks like you have a fair bit of room with the scope mounts - i'd move the scope as far forward as you can (whilst still being able to shoot without the nv attached),so you won't be as far back when it's rigged.

can't complain for the cost (i take it you've moved down south from the penny pinching north ;) )

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I didn't want to move the mounts as it was just an experiment and if it didn't work I would revert to a lamp plus I wanted to use the rifle the next day and didn't want the bother of zeroing etc.


I'm born and bred In Sussex so the high cost of living is unfortunately a part of life, when things improve I'll invest in propper NV equipment, until then I'll put up with with the embarrasment.

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have a search on utube for night vision, as I remember a guy going the same route as you with a camcorder, but he showed how to removge the bits needed from the camcorder and fit it back together in a smaller,livghter more compact box (boxes can be bought from MAPLINS)

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