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What exactly do the Royal Family do?


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The only thing that does get to me about them is the fact that we're stuck with them. We don't have any choice. And that's hardly democratic.


Actually it's discrimination, or even monopolisation, when you think about the way they rule over the country. And both of those are illegal.



The Queen reigns by popular consent.


The monarchy could be abolished if the people withdrew that consent, so really it's very much a democratic system, certainly not discriminatory or a monopoly.


I'm not sure what you mean by 'rule over the country'?


Although the monarch has fairly wide ranging powers she would seldom use them without the consent of her government. If she were to start 'laying down the law' she knows full well that the monarchy would soon be in trouble, hence she tends to stick with 'signing off' new laws as proposed by the government. I think the days of a monarch 'ruling' over this country disappeared after the civil war.

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She reigns by popular consent????


So when, exactly, have you, I, or anyone else in this country been asked if it's okay for that family to live in Buckingham Palace, doing what they do?


Because the royal family have lived there a damn site longer than you have been on this earth so why should they ask your permission?


Im all for the royal family and am proud we still have a monachy. :good:

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She reigns by popular consent????


So when, exactly, have you, I, or anyone else in this country been asked if it's okay for that family to live in Buckingham Palace, doing what they do?


Yes. She rules by popular consent of the people.


There is nothing in law to say that a government couldn't bring a referendum to abolish the monarchy, and if the population decided they wanted to become a republic that's exactly what would happen (by popular consent), and the monarchy as we know it would be no more.

If there were enough people to support a call for a referendum I'm sure that's what would happen, but the vast majority of folk realise the good they do for the country and wouldn't support it.


Probably a few 'Socialist Worker' types would go for it.....but they're bonkers!

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Yes. She rules by popular consent of the people.


There is nothing in law to say that a government couldn't bring a referendum to abolish the monarchy, and if the population decided they wanted to become a republic that's exactly what would happen (by popular consent), and the monarchy as we know it would be no more.

If there were enough people to support a call for a referendum I'm sure that's what would happen, but the vast majority of folk realise the good they do for the country and wouldn't support it.


Probably a few 'Socialist Worker' types would go for it.....but they're bonkers!

LMAO - and God save the Queen! :D

Edited by The Duncan
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Why do they go cap in hand to the government every time they want repairs to one of thier castles or palaces ?


One of their castles and palaces? This kind of ignorant comment infuriates me, the castles and palaces of this country are part of our shared British heritage, I think their upkeep is more than worth taxpayers money, certainly more than some stadium or bus-stop. I wish more people would have respect for this country's hugely individual, respected and enviable heritage, rather than arguing for Britain becoming yet another faceless, identityless republic.


I'm frightened that in my lifetime britain will totally lose sight of its past and embrace the arrogant idea that our present culture is perfect and should have no emotional and physical ties with the past, of which we ARE a product.


i won't add to the supportive comments on this thread, i'd be repeating the same point as some of them. I would add that I don't support 'republic''s view that it would be better to replace the royal heads of state with elected presidents. The royal family from birth represent a non-partisan, non-political side of this country, which i think is right, a president would come up through politics and have a partisan view which he or she would be required to drop on election, despite this they would of course remain and still be seen as partisan and a great deal of the electorate would lack representation, whats wrong with a royal family who stand for britian rather than a political sphere?

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The best thing about this Country bar none is the Monarchy, respected throughout the free world not just head of state in the UK but probably still revered as No. 1 Monarch in every civilised country.


God bless em and long may it continue...I would pay double what it costs to maintain them. Without the Monarchy this country would soon degenerate both in terms of commerce and reputation..its what makes us what we are.


If you dont want to watch the Royal Wedding then go to work and stop bleating about your ruler you subservient peasants :lol:


Fisherman Mike MBE. ;)

Edited by Fisherman Mike
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Could you imagine Americans singing GOD SAVE OBAMA or the French Sorcose or whatever he is called

some how I can not see that happening so why should we sing GOD SAVE THE QUEEN.



Aye and we don't sing "God Save Elizabeth Windsor".


It's the institution represented by the person you're supporting.




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