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rfd i think

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Done this a few times and works without a hitch usually.


Only problem I have ever had is not with the process but some dealers seem to get their guide dogs to describe the condition of some guns. Got caught twice by so called reputable dealers describing something as mint for it to turn up looking like they had knocked nails in with them.

Although apart from the inconvenience you are protected under distance selling regs so just re returned for a full refund.


I insist they go over the gun on the phone with me now to make sure it is as described.

Edited by Dibs
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as above seen a gun in scotland and wanted it sent to me in coventry??????????

where in scotland is it? is it in a gun shop? if its close to some one maybe they could have la look at it for you?


maybe this is a good idear for long distance gn sales just to get a 2nd veiw of it from some one with nothing to gain?

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I thought the £25 to send was £15 TNT and £10 profit not £25 and courier fees! If you have a good rep with a local RFD they dont actually incur any costs putting gun onto and off their register. Speak to the sendign and recieving RFD and check the costs and procedures for refund etc.

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