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You have to read this !!


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I was doing a bit of surfing mainly checking out crow calls, when I stumbled across a site. ASCAR, American Society for Crows and Ravens. An english guy had posted a question relating to "a big black bird tapping on the window in the next room". Now the most obvious answer is a Jackdaw, a bird which frequently nests in houses particularly chimneys. However America's answer to Mr Bean wrote:


"This could well be a carrion crow (English natives), but also might be a woodpecker or, as the Limey's say, a Great ***. As to getting rid of it, ASCAR is in the business of admiring corvids, so does not give out information on how to drive them off. But as general advice, learn to enjoy these birds if you are fortunate to have them nearby (e.g. pecking on your window)."


I'm surprised he didn't call it a "Window Pecker" but a Great *** !! - He most certainly is !!


Plus "learn to enjoy these birds" - he is right, I enjoy the thud of the pellet, feel satisfied with my accuracy and are over joyed the miserable black **** has cawed it's last.



Edited by henry d
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Did you take your medication this morning son shine??? :P


Wouldn't worry about it it's no worse than PETA who blatantly kill the dogs they claim to rehome and fill the media with **** about mistreatment of animals the world over while they do just as bad or WORSE themselves. :lol:


Crack a can open take a sip n relax. The world aint out to get us :ernyha:



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Thanks Keith, It's been a while since I've been decribed as a "Newbie" anything shooter. It's going to blow your reputation - shooting with a "Newbie"!


By the way the **** was a word beginning and ending in a T and rhyming with cat. (A bit over sensitive Mr Censor, I did leave one letter out.)



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Do we consider this the quickest ####ing (albeit very mild) for the least amount of posts .................................


................ EVER in the history of t'internet?? :lol::lol: :o ;););):/


photopro - TWA make far better coffee than they do tea :ernyha::P:lol:



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Henry yes I have now, I did use the word in the correct context, have you read this?




Noun 1. **** - a man who is a stupid incompetent fool

bozo, cuckoo, fathead, goof, goofball, jackass, zany, goose

fool, muggins, saphead, tomfool, sap - a person who lacks good judgment


It's on a par with cock as in cock pheasant or do we need to call them man pheasants?


Interesting forum chaps I am enjoying reading it!



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