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Bad parking thread


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You all need to get out more>


There are young men losing their lives and limbs in conflicts around the world.There is a world wide financial crisis.Fuel prices are at a record high. Floods and volcano's are causing havoc in many areas of the world.


Some children have to carry seven times their bodyweight of water for 50 miles each day, with worms in their bellies.


And you all jibber jabber because some numpty has parked accross two parking bays in a supermarket car park !!!!


And one of you even took the time and effort to photograph it !!!!


No wonder we lost the empire, we can't even look further than freekin Asda these days.



Somebody must have p1ssed in his cheerios.

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I always park my car across two spaces. I spent 6 months looking for it and don't want some nobhead dinging it.



Ditto that. though I used to love getting hemmed in when I had my ratty Series III. I'd go through the whole 'clumsy me' routine twice over with the door as I tried to squeeze in leaving the doddery old gimmer that had parked so discourteously with a few more battle scars for their banger racer.

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You all need to get out more>


There are young men losing their lives and limbs in conflicts around the world.There is a world wide financial crisis.Fuel prices are at a record high. Floods and volcano's are causing havoc in many areas of the world.


Some children have to carry seven times their bodyweight of water for 50 miles each day, with worms in their bellies.


And you all jibber jabber because some numpty has parked accross two parking bays in a supermarket car park !!!!


And one of you even took the time and effort to photograph it !!!!


No wonder we lost the empire, we can't even look further than freekin Asda these days.


Yes...you're right, there are young men Dying in conflict every day....But if other Nations & Religions kept their beleifs and religeons to themselves we wouldn't need to step in an keep them all in check..Cos' if we didn't we'd all be speaking a weird language and preying 5 times a day and get ****** all done.....That includes you.


We In England, Scotland, Ireland & Wales are fortunate that we don't have such Bad weather or have active Volcanoes nearby so tend not to suffer such....However, Every Human has a pair of legs and a brain....combine the 2 with a tad of common sense and Move away from areas where the weather or dangerous areas of geological activity are likely to cause you harm....The people that live there just haven't worked that one out yet.


and lastly...as for kiddies carrying loads of water for 50 miles a day.....Live nearer to the Tap.

Every Country / Continent started of with the same chance to mechanise and modernise.....Most did and some although slow are doing so....Others chose to stick with their tribal beleifs and traditions.....now they're paying for it.

My forefathers did not work and sweat all their lives so that i could hand over my hard earned wages & tax to those that cannot or will not wake up & smell the coffee.

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Yes...you're right, there are young men Dying in conflict every day....But if other Nations & Religions kept their beleifs and religeons to themselves we wouldn't need to step in an keep them all in check..Cos' if we didn't we'd all be speaking a weird language and preying 5 times a day and get ****** all done.....That includes you.


We In England, Scotland, Ireland & Wales are fortunate that we don't have such Bad weather or have active Volcanoes nearby so tend not to suffer such....However, Every Human has a pair of legs and a brain....combine the 2 with a tad of common sense and Move away from areas where the weather or dangerous areas of geological activity are likely to cause you harm....The people that live there just haven't worked that one out yet.


and lastly...as for kiddies carrying loads of water for 50 miles a day.....Live nearer to the Tap.

Every Country / Continent started of with the same chance to mechanise and modernise.....Most did and some although slow are doing so....Others chose to stick with their tribal beleifs and traditions.....now they're paying for it.

My forefathers did not work and sweat all their lives so that i could hand over my hard earned wages & tax to those that cannot or will not wake up & smell the coffee.

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It is pants parking.


How about hanging around and asking the officer what he was doing taking up two spaces - maybe it was a breakfast run, maybe they were going to assist store detectives holding some scabbed up druggy shoplifter who was kicking off - we will never know because all you've got the bottle to do is go around taking piccies of a police van parked skew wiff in a giant car park. Woopee do. The police like anyone else don't do themselves any favours sometimes and just like the socirty they police, there are ****** in all walks of life. The next time someone is screwing my neighbours house and four cop cars turn up within 4 minutes (true event) I'll run over and take pictures of their parking instead of commending them for getting to the scene so quickly. They had the audacity to block the road whilst they searched and nicked the little Basildon scrote. It was 3am and no one was inconvenienced, how outragious.:hmm:

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It is pants parking.


How about hanging around and asking the officer what he was doing taking up two spaces - maybe it was a breakfast run, maybe they were going to assist store detectives holding some scabbed up druggy shoplifter who was kicking off - we will never know because all you've got the bottle to do is go around taking piccies of a police van parked skew wiff in a giant car park. Woopee do. The police like anyone else don't do themselves any favours sometimes and just like the socirty they police, there are ****** in all walks of life. The next time someone is screwing my neighbours house and four cop cars turn up within 4 minutes (true event) I'll run over and take pictures of their parking instead of commending them for getting to the scene so quickly. They had the audacity to block the road whilst they searched and nicked the little Basildon scrote. It was 3am and no one was inconvenienced, how outragious.:hmm:



:lol::lol::lol::lol: don't blow a gasket bonny lad, I think if it had been an emergency he would have been parked outside the shop and not half way across the car park.

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You all need to get out more>


There are young men losing their lives and limbs in conflicts around the world.There is a world wide financial crisis.Fuel prices are at a record high. Floods and volcano's are causing havoc in many areas of the world.


Some children have to carry seven times their bodyweight of water for 50 miles each day, with worms in their bellies.


And you all jibber jabber because some numpty has parked accross two parking bays in a supermarket car park !!!!


And one of you even took the time and effort to photograph it !!!!


No wonder we lost the empire, we can't even look further than freekin Asda these days.



Dude, you want to take a chill pill before you give yourself a hernia.


The post has been put in the "Off Topic" section of the PW forum, it isn't headline news :yes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Blimey Billy.Were they trying to beat the parking charge by getting all four wheels off the ground? :lol:


Im guessing though the car is an automatic and the pensioner mistook the accelerator for the brake pedal.A prime example of retests or at the very least re-evaluate driving standards once they get to 70.

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