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Has anyone bought a gun at auction? Is it easy or not? Any recommendations? Anyone know if there are any in the Cheshire/Manchester Area. I’m after a second hand Semi auto. Don’t want Cr*p but don’t want to brake the bank either.




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Auctions are fine bud just make sure you get there for the Viewing and have a good look over the gun.


You missed a auction on Fri in Kings Lynn it was a good laugh :D


Loads of stuff went through the block (plenty of **** too :/ )


About 80 shotties went through and about 25 air rifles


Loads of buyers but VERY few went above the £150 mark :look:


Nice beretta went for under £900 a BARGAIN


AYA Churchill SbS went quite cheap too :yp:


If your after a Semi and not wanting to break the bank the Escort is about £250 through to £300 new dep where you shop and mine is fine no probs and had it a while now :/


There are always a few shotties come up in the sales section and on the BBS too.


Best of luck



Edited by Lord Geordie
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The date of the next kings Lynn auction is 27th October, as usual viewing is from mid-day of the sale. Fishing sale starts at 4:15pm and the Guns etc at 4:45pm.


If you e-mail them about a week before the sale they will send you a catalogue with all the lots in (free if you put something in the auction) for a small fee.



In the sale just gone there was 1486 lots, so something for everyone.

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Check your local Yellow Pages for Auctioneers and then ring them for a list of their Auction dates and ask if they sell guns (most do).


Auctions are also usually advertised in the local pages (they normally have an Auctions section in the classified announcements, next to the Boot Fairs).


Go on the viewing day(s) and have a very good look at the guns.

Take a note of the Lot number and go on the day of the Auction and bid on it.

Its easy (don't forget to take your SC).


I buy a lot of things at Auctions and go at least twice a month, but I have never seen a gun worth buying.

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I bought my .22lr BRNO at auction,it was threaded but no mod and didn`t have any mags with it and was bought for £20+ a couple of quid for the auction house and was pretty accurate........................Oh did I say it had a LEUPOLD scope on it :/:/ :look: (4x32 compact)

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Guest john5
  henry d said:
I bought my .22lr BRNO at auction,it was threaded but no mod and didn`t have any mags with it and was bought for £20+ a couple of quid for the auction house and was pretty accurate........................Oh did I say it had a LEUPOLD scope on it :D:D:D (4x32 compact)

malcom , i bet if you fell in a barrel of thumbs ,,,,,, you would come up sucking a ***

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That's a good webby.


I just registered and searched keyword of "AYA". Auction tomorrow, 26" 12b box lock ejector £120 to £180 estimate.



This is the link for tomorrow's auction (for anyone with time to kill in the South West):



Edited by Mungler
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