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Well developed Cub.


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Here's a cub that I shot earlier this week while I was out with Richie (Archie1234)

This cub is quite well advanced and by the looks of it he was almost ready to leave home and set up on his own! That will obviuusly not be happening now!

To help putting it's size into perspective the other photo is of Richie standing up with the cub, and Richie is quite a tall guy!

The photo is compliments of Richie who took it on his mobile camera - Thanks Richie!



Edited by Frenchieboy
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Pete are you smoking again?

Yes! I'm afraid so and I know only too well how stupid it was of me to start again and that I have no excuse, and I know only too well I really need to do something about it!

With no disrespect meant I really could do without any "lectures", I feel bad enough about it and an constantly beating myself up as it is my friend! Please try to understand and not take offence by this last paragraph, I do not mean it in an offencive way towards you or anyone come to that, it is just a generalisation!

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well done chaps :yes:


that cub does look well on he must have been a early one. i shot one last saturday night he was all alone and living for him self came in good to the call he was a bit bigger than the one you got. i found around here this year they where started early.

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Thought you were going to shoot the vixen first :hmm::lol:

That was my intention but I was told by the land owner that he wanted me to take out any that I could regardless of if it were the vixen or the cubs. I am not too happy doing things this way but I have to do as requested by the landowner who is peed off with losing poultry. As it is the vixen had not moved them and I have been regularly baiting with rabbits ready to use the alarm clock to find what time she is coming out. Once I know that it will be lights out madam!

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