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Is the Euro going to crash?


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The Greek, Italian, Irish & Portugese economies were always unsteady, especially when the Euro was introduced. If the Euro, as a currency fails, then it will be the thin end of the wedge, more trouble will be on the way. If i remember correctly, the Greek government were selling off islands to prop up the economy 12-18 months ago.

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I personally can't see the Euro lasting another ten years and sooner it fails the better in my opinion. I don't think the Greece issue will cause it to fall though. I expect the EU to cast Greece off. That might also bring Cyprus down with it although the EU could easily support such a small economy. If anyone has read Gerald Durrel's book on the Greek economy they might believe that he was quite far sighted and accurate in his predictions.

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I read somewhere that another falklands war is brewing. The yanks are siding with the argies even calling them the malvinas (dont think that is right spelling) because there is supposed to be massive oil reserves and the yanks will get there hands on it easier through a south american country, and also will appear to be against imperialism :)

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The euro was based on a huge amount of optimism but little common sense. However, while we can be grateful we stayed out we all need to be very afraid because the implications are massive and hugely damaging. We will be massively caught up in any aftermath.


******** politics from beginning to end. Anyone with even a jot of sense could, or should, have seen it could never have worked but it was like the Empourer's new clothes anyone who spoke out was castigated as a fool.


Now the chickens are coming home to roost and Europe faces years , decades? , of economic limbo sorting it out.

Edited by Vince Green
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... and the moon is made of green cheese....

Realistically, how could France and Germany have tied their economic future to countries like Spain, Portugal, Greece and Ireland? Why would they have wanted to? It seems like simple madness, not even a chance in hell it could have worked out long term. How could anybody be so commited to a political dogma that they couldn't see the risks?

Edited by Vince Green
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I read somewhere that another falklands war is brewing. The yanks are siding with the argies even calling them the malvinas (dont think that is right spelling) because there is supposed to be massive oil reserves and the yanks will get there hands on it easier through a south american country, and also will appear to be against imperialism :)

You are right. The Falklands have never been part of Argentina. They were British nearly 100 years before Argentina was created but if we don't sign the oil over to America you can guess what will happen. We will roll over as a token appeasment.

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Dont worry about the europeans.....if there is any trouble brewing up in their countries......they will just all come over here and go on the rock and roll!!

It must be bad if most of our banks are pulling out of Greece and other European banks. But the big thing that everyone has got to remember is that GB Ltd does approx 40% of our trading with Europe, thats a lot of money to lose.....more job cuts!!

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The sooner the Euro and this whole STOOOOOOPID European alliance fails the better, every country in it holds contempt for every other country in it, the only ones who genuinely want to be part of it are the emerging countries who know they will be proped up by the rest of us, good riddance to bad rubbish I say, and dont belive all the claptrap about us loosing exports if we pull out, its just scaremongering BS, if everybody in the euro stopped trading with us because we wanted out they would be going without a lot of stuff.

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Its weird how we are supposed to be capatilist, but everything ends up communist. Someone borrows too much everyone pays up. A country isnt making as much money as other countries, all the others give it. Its why everything has ground to a halt. You used to go abroad because it was cheap, after the euro it was a level playing field so no one botherd so the countries arnt raking any money in, just like all the businesses in this country. If things are cheap people will spend.

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You are right. The Falklands have never been part of Argentina. They were British nearly 100 years before Argentina was created but if we don't sign the oil over to America you can guess what will happen. We will roll over as a token appeasment.



Still, its not like we've binned our aircraft carriers, lost our harriers and announced to the world that we are about as battle ready as the WI.





Maggy had to beg the yanks for the use of Ascension during the war and even then they didn't want to assist us. They've never got over the fact that they were once one of our colonies and have always hated our Imperial past. The ****ers destroyed us financially at the end of WWII by with holding the last part of the lend lease payments and then screwed us for the repayments whilst begging us to assist in the Gulf.


Americas business is business.






The *****.

Edited by ack-ack
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