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Shotgun Expired


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hi people my shotgun license expired yesterday as its due for renewal i sent it in over a month ago and im just wondering if and when the flo comes out will he make me lodge my shotguns with another cert holder or RFD. If so shouldnt he of been out today? lol. God knows what they are doing they are so slow at everything. i havent had the phone call for my interview yet. and say if he comes out a week later and says i need to lodge them else where cant i say its a bit late now isnt it? it expired X amount of days ago. god knows i think its a bit crazy tbh. Anyone else had this. is it a legal requirement that i MUST lodge them with an RFD or other shotgun holder?


Cheers guys.

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phone them now, if they haven't received your application there will be a problem. However if it is their fault then they may just say don't worry, however you'll get a stack of doom mongers on here who will tell you to ignore them and you will be rogered by satan as its that kind of offence. Personally I took the word of my FEO over Dekers ;)

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If it was me I'd have phoned them well before now, as it's only 4:30ish I'd do it now to be honest :)


Generally (and this varies), if your SGC expires while it is in for renewal it's not a problem, you can ask for a temp. certificate if it's liable to be a long time coming but as I said your best bet is to phone them and ask what's happening, get a timescale and advice about their proceedures in this sort of situation.

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Mine expired 2 months ago now . Firearms sent me a letter with the receipt for my cheque saying there were delays and not to worry . If I go out with the shotgun just carry the letter with my old cert .

Also that they do not issue temp certs anymore .

Bearing in mind just how bad this service is my renewal was sent 2 months before it expired , so they been processing it now for 4 months .

Staffordshire police are just about as bad as it can get

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jesus that is bad i was just making sure where i stood in relation to giving up my shotguns to another shotgun holder or RFD because mine had expired but if its nothing to worry about and that i dont have to then sweet. Ive recieved my chequ about a week ago so i know they have recieved it and always post any corrorspondance recorded delivery (i know i cant spell) just wanted to ask about see if anyone had this experiance before. Cheers for the help guys. much appreciated.

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The "correct" course of action is to request a temporary permit which enables you to use your shot guns and buy cartridges and puts you legal.


Some forces don't lke issuig temp certs as it shows up in their figures and adds to their (already heavy) workload thus increasing the processing times- vicious circle etc


It's all about how you perceive the risk- to the letter of the law you are unlawfully holding shotguns. If you're happy to accept the licensing departments word that things are ok and it's their fault that's fine- in 99% of cases everything will be ok. You won't be challanegd while out shooting and the cert will arrive in due course, but what happens if something serious goes wrong/ happens while you're out, the police become involved etc etc- the law is pretty black and white and not always logical- you are the one in posession of unlicensed guns....


Personally when this happened to me I asked for and received a temporary permit (Avon and Somerset). Better safe than sorry.


Hope that helps!





Edited by weldersunited
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yep i have same thing, called up the other day to say it had expired, they said as the application is with them it is fine, just dont use them until replacement is through. If recorded mail you can prove they have, but no harm in calling as well i guess

hmm that seems odd, If renewal was late being sent in i can see it but if it was sent early on and it's their fault seems wrong to leave you in possession but say "don't use them" after all it's possession that's key not use! Hope there is less faff when mines up for renewal!


I guess if your cert is just awaiting posting/signing not too bad but if its at the bottom of the pile and not been looked at you could be waiting months....

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there is no problem with using them, as long as your application was in at a sensible time and it is their delay then a simple conversation is all that is needed. The cert when it is printed will run from the day the last one ran out so technically though back dated you will never have been in illegal possession. However send your renewal in a week before your current one runs out and its a different ball game

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