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Red Mite

Farmers saint

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use a 'weedburner' and go over all surfaces in the coop (literally a couple of seconds will do it - you dont need to set the coop alight (but be careful - its easily done!)


use a strong mix of jeyes fluid sprayed onto surfaces once you have done this. - smells fresh and they dont like it.

treat birds with the dusting powder (cant remember the name of it)

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They have a 3 week cycles, so if you use something that kills mites, not eggs you have to do it 3 weeks in a row so get the numbers down (you'll never eradicate completely.)


Things like poultry shield can do this in small coops.


They'll be hiding somewhere away from light in the daytime, if you can see them in the day you have a heavy infestation and need to go in hard. Also remember the effect on the birds, drop in egg production - why? Anaemia, basically mites suck the blood.


So, wash the whole thing down 3 weeks in a row or find something with a residual effect that kills mites as they walk over. Local vet should help, someone with some specialised knowledge would be better though. A game or poultry practice.

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Go to your nearest pet shop or even 'Pets at home' and buy red mite killer-it comes in a white tub with a green lid.Its a nice smelling dust which you puff all in the coop and all over the hens too.The mites live in the tiniest nooks & crannies so do make sure you put enough down and dont be stingy with it.Depending on your infestation you might need several applications,but you cant overdose your coop or hens and its only around £5 per tub.


Be advised if your coop has a felt roof this is the commonest place to find thousands of the things between felt and timber.Best thing you could do is remove the felt and use some other form of weather proofing like corrugated steel etc.

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In our coop we use stuff called poultry shield. Mix it to a 10% solution with water and give the coop a spray. We also use the powder stuff from jolleys or countrywide, comes in a white tube. Sprinkle that in the bedding and that helps too.


Good luck with what ever you go for, red mite can be hard to get rid of, they hide everywhere.



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Get some diatom powder.


Sprinkle it on your birds and dust the inside with it, it stays in and works fanastic stuff its all I use, as it won't harm the birds.


You can use it to worm them also by adding to the food. I put it there dust bath and they self medicate themselves, then i dust the coop when cleaned out.


t comes in a puffer bottle so it goes into every nook and cranny.


Better than using chemicals.


ATB figgy

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This is very interesting as our 7 hens are only giving on average 2-4 eggs a day.

I've looked and we seem to have grey coloured little spidery looking mites around the coop framework so I guess I should try treating the coop ?

the grey ones are the ones that have not yet fed when they have fed they turn red . one certain way to get shut it never fails go to your nearest b&q in the gardening section get a sulpher candle its in a tin empty your coop clean it out shut all pop holes doors etc and light the candle anything in there thats alive wont be when the candles finished once done open doors let fresh air in simples :good:

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Tried all sorts over the years and never found anything to beat creosote (the proper stuff, not substitute). It's harder to find these days but agricultural merchants tend to have it or can get it and some timber yards still have stock.

Be generous with it when you paint the cabin and get in every nook and cranny you can get the brush near. It will work. :good:

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DUREMITEX Kills the lot comes in liquid form in a bottle , Mix with water and apply by spray will do the coup also !You will find in most pet store Pigeon section, I used to keep show pigeons and were prone to picking up pests and this worked wonders. Try some lime on the floor and corners to helps keep them at bay. :good:

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