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Swathed Rape-hide in the hedge or in the crop

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I suppose its down to the size of the field, flightlines wind etc. On my permissions the farmer doesn't want me to disturb the swaythed rape so i normally stick to the edge


Your farmer sounds like all the other farmers I have met.

Two lads lost a permission near me last year because they piled swathed rape round their hide.

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If it's a big field, you're probably going to want to get in the middle of it. I did this four times on rape stubble last year and got 3x 100+ using the desert camo net. On a big field if you're at one end, at some stage pigeons will start landing at the other.

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My thoughts are that you do no more damage to crop in terms of yield by stacking a load of swathe rape in pile as a hide .

Its more what image it gives to your farmer so dont care if you do it others may kick you off the perm.

But if your shooting swathed rape ever time you pick a bird you will knock seed out of the pods .

But its good fun jumping the rows good for my high jump training for the 2012 :lol: .



Edited by LikeitLARGE
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Your farmer sounds like all the other farmers I have met.

Two lads lost a permission near me last year because they piled swathed rape round their hide.


Think i must have good farmers then as all of mine bar 1(which is new) are very keen on me shooting over swath rape ive built hides in the swath without a problem , 1 has even taken a bale hide out in to the field driving over the crop to do so .Was shocked when talking to 1 farmer he said what ever happends they drop over 20% on to the field .

Had 2 calls already today about pigeons on the swath off to check them out :yes:

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