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I have decided to leave the P.W. forum .


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Well sad news but as always there is no I in TEAM but if too many I leave or get banned then the TEAM has a problem,

Whats clear to me is that unlike your average forum shooting/hunting forums are unquie in the terms that our passion hobby sport is media limelight with pressure for us to stop killing things.


What our forums needs to do is show a well informed humane side to our sport and without members like harnser and others that have left or been banned. Giving a balanced and adult view then not only is our sport in danger then so are the forums that they have postive input to will have a limit life span.



Edited by LikeitLARGE
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Some say it's attention seeking when you start a thread to announce you are leaving a forum, I'm not saying that it's the case here, just commenting. If you decide to leave a forum in my opinion you should just pm the admin, out of courtesy, and just not log in again after that.




Anyway, take care.



No one is indespensible.Life goes on as usual. :P


maybe harnser has a point , but after meeting a lot of propper pw members at the charity shoot who just turned up with guns and cartridges (not a graph or calculator in sight ) i know that there are still some good members . i dont know mick personally , but i do know his honest , proven ability to help others and show them the proper 100% route .

hope fully as others have said , the bellends and willy waglers will go back to school soon or get bored of normal everyday shooting like most of ours . im sure there are new forums to suit their style.


i for one will miss the straight answers and the outrageous storys .

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Shame you are leaving and understand your reasons, but on the other hand the forum needs people like yourself to help to educate the un-educated and newbie people on here into correct shooting ways and attitude , there will always be those that want to cause mayhem and have their way with verbal or shooting attitude and they create their own label as they do so.

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maybe harnser has a point , but after meeting a lot of propper pw members at the charity shoot who just turned up with guns and cartridges (not a graph or calculator in sight ) i know that there are still some good members . i dont know mick personally , but i do know his honest , proven ability to help others and show them the proper 100% route .

hope fully as others have said , the bellends and willy waglers will go back to school soon or get bored of normal everyday shooting like most of ours . im sure there are new forums to suit their style.


i for one will miss the straight answers and the outrageous storys .


Now I know that was aimed at me :rolleyes:


I'm interested.... why the chuff would anyone need ballistic calculators or trajectory graphs for shotguns :blink: What else could anyone conceivably turn up to a clay shoot with other than a shotgun and cartridges ??? And why does that then make them the 'good guys' ???


Good luck Harnser... will miss you :sad1:

Edited by Vipa
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I saw the last long range quarry shooting thread the other day, and sure as eggs are eggs it went down the same well trodden path as all those that went before it.


I too don't get it - "why not get a little bit nearer?" appears to be the best answer to those threads :lol:


Don't get steamed up. On the previous long range quarry threads I got stuck in - the last one, I couldn't be bothered :lol:


I now know that there is a silent normal majority that will be reading those threads, rolling their eyes, muttering and just not bothering to post.


There's no point leaving or the nobbers win :good::lol:


Make the guy a MOD and give him a bit more authority over these topics!

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Its terrible, no one should feel that they cant be a part of a public forum, I dont know what has and hasnt been said but he must feel that some people are ruining his enjoyment of this site. I personaly wouldnt leave a forum, its free to stay and if there is a problem i would complain.

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