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Phone hacking


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It's not lost on me that it's not acutally "hacking" - it's phoning up mobile phone network voicemail service, putting someone else's number in and entering the default password of say 1234 because that particular mobile phone owner didn't change the factory settings.


Yes it's naughty but what's more naughty is the police bungs and snug lunches between the News of Screws execs and the Top Brass at the Met (£25k trip to Champneys was appropriate my ****).


However, I am now at the point where I just don't care anymore about phone hacking. I couldn't give a monkeys who did it, when, to whom or who knew.


The only people who seem to be interested now are the journos (probably because it's their industry specific gossip) but they can't seriously still think that it's either news or interesting to the rest of the country.


I am now also wondering if there is a plan to keep banging the phone 'hacking' drum until everyone gets bored and snow blind to it and so that the really juicy stuff which is yet to come attracts less interest.

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Last night the BBC banged on and on and on and on about the possible hacking of Sarah Payne's phone.


Eventually they said the NOTW had given her the phone, so they would have dad the 'details', and

that the voicemail had never been used.


So it was a complete non story.





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Dull isn't it? It's only interesting to journos because it's their industry and they all know each other and those involved.


Besides, when you look at the actual "offence" it's listening to someone's voicemails. Okay, so it goes hand in hand with an invasion of privacy but it's not like anyone has died.

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I've been saying this since about the second day. I don't actually give a flying **** about phone hacking. <_<


What Cameron at al are doing wasting their time even commenting on this **** is beyond me :sly:


Move on, world, worse things happen at sea, or just about ******* anywhere :rolleyes:

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Must admit, I was quite shocked at the news Milly Dowler's phone was targeted. It wasn't so much the hacking part that got me but the fact they deleted messages giving the family and Police false hope in the critical stages of was at the time a missing person investigation. That was about as low as you could get and the NOTW fell on it's sword as a result.


The Police need sorting out as much as the press. If they're not selling our details to the press then it's the personal claims companies they're tipping off for a price.


So far as the actual hacking's concerned though, let's face it you'd have to be a little naive to believe the press wouldn't do such things - and worse.


Enough already.

Edited by Bagsy
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The simple reason this story is going on and on is because of our lovely trendy liberal left tofu munching BBC that you me and the rest of the country have to pay for by law.


The BBC hates the red top papers as they don't conform to their views so are revelling in stirring up as much trouble as they can. What went on was clearly wrong and needed to be sorted but the sight of our grubby MP's who appear to be the most unethical and criminal members of society trying to take the moral high ground and get their own back on the NOTW for exposing all there dirty little secrets makes me sick!


John Prescott. Enough said!


It's also given Labour leader (who knew?) Ed Milliband the chance to prove he exists and score a few cheap political points.


So to sum up, Yes, I'm well and truly sick of the lot of them. The worlds going bust and yet it doesn't seem to get a mention!

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