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country cover club shooting insurance


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I hopefully have a meeting with the farmer at my first permission on Sunday. He has told me I must have insurance before he will let me on his land (fair enough point). Been looking at which is the best price cover and came across C3 - Country Cover Club at £20. Anyone ever used them?



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I remember reading on another forum where a member had used them. iirc they'd never made a claim (I suppose only a few of us ever do) so they couldn't say how they faired on that score but they seemed happy enough with them.


If you just want cover so you can say you're covered, then £20 is a good deal. Personally, I paid the bit extra and joined BASC as I felt they did more for shooting than just offer insurance.

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Country Cover Club was established 2 1/2 years ago when Jerry Parks Young left his post at the CPSA as training and Aafety Manager to run his own RFD business supporting Hunting and Shooting.


His experience with the CPSA, together with his relationship with co Director Moshe hadari, an IFA with FSA approvals, allowed them to form Country Cover Club - www.ccc3.co.uk - and to establish cover with Liberty Syndicate at Lloyds ( one of the largest Lloyds syndicates with £1000m business underwritten - http://www.libertysyndicates.com/ ) - for £2m country sports P/L liability, and another £8m excess policy with Zurich ( the same underwriters as BASC) to top up the cover to £10m.


Just under 3000 people have now joined our popular club, thereby gaining various benefits including the P/L, P/A, hositalisation, and legal defence, and 10% off on most of the 1000 hunting and shooting lines sold in the associates online shop.


Country Cover has, we beleive, the largest list of sports covered in the countryside under a single policy.


Clay Pigeon / Target Shooting, Rough Shooting, Vermin Control, Wild Fowling, Rifle Shooting (inc stalking), Recreational activities of Hunting and Wildfowling (including falconry, hawking, rabbit, pigeon, game, deer), Angling (including wading), air gunning, conservation, archery, ferreting, stalking, shotgun and rifle shooting; .but excluding Combat / Practical Shooting, Equestrian Mounted Sports, and any activity carried out illegally. Re-enactment including blank firing weapons but excluding edged or pointed weapons. Rambling subject to it being an insured organised event excluding travelling to and from such events.


We offer short policies - 6mths, suitable for the game season, as well as annual policies and syndicate / group memberships at as little as £14-95 per person p.a.


Cover is for UK and Eire, but a full EU counties extension is available for UK and EU residents.


On-line applications are dealt with by an automated server that delivers membership details and a cover note back to the member instantly on payment, and postal hard copy options are available.


We have an online members forum as well as a 24/7 freephone help line.


Jerry maintains close relations with both BASC and CPSA, being trade members of both, and co-operates with both associations on technical aspects of hunting and shooting, as well as supporting the political lobbies of both organistaions

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Country Cover Club was established 2 1/2 years ago when Jerry Parks Young left his post at the CPSA as training and Aafety Manager to run his own RFD business supporting Hunting and Shooting.


His experience with the CPSA, together with his relationship with co Director Moshe hadari, an IFA with FSA approvals, allowed them to form Country Cover Club - www.ccc3.co.uk - and to establish cover with Liberty Syndicate at Lloyds ( one of the largest Lloyds syndicates with £1000m business underwritten - http://www.libertysyndicates.com/ ) - for £2m country sports P/L liability, and another £8m excess policy with Zurich ( the same underwriters as BASC) to top up the cover to £10m.


Just under 3000 people have now joined our popular club, thereby gaining various benefits including the P/L, P/A, hositalisation, and legal defence, and 10% off on most of the 1000 hunting and shooting lines sold in the associates online shop.


Country Cover has, we beleive, the largest list of sports covered in the countryside under a single policy.


Clay Pigeon / Target Shooting, Rough Shooting, Vermin Control, Wild Fowling, Rifle Shooting (inc stalking), Recreational activities of Hunting and Wildfowling (including falconry, hawking, rabbit, pigeon, game, deer), Angling (including wading), air gunning, conservation, archery, ferreting, stalking, shotgun and rifle shooting; .but excluding Combat / Practical Shooting, Equestrian Mounted Sports, and any activity carried out illegally. Re-enactment including blank firing weapons but excluding edged or pointed weapons. Rambling subject to it being an insured organised event excluding travelling to and from such events.


We offer short policies - 6mths, suitable for the game season, as well as annual policies and syndicate / group memberships at as little as £14-95 per person p.a.


Cover is for UK and Eire, but a full EU counties extension is available for UK and EU residents.


On-line applications are dealt with by an automated server that delivers membership details and a cover note back to the member instantly on payment, and postal hard copy options are available.


We have an online members forum as well as a 24/7 freephone help line.


Jerry maintains close relations with both BASC and CPSA, being trade members of both, and co-operates with both associations on technical aspects of hunting and shooting, as well as supporting the political lobbies of both organistaions



Hi clayman


it sounds good. The only bit that troubles me is the wording "insured organised event". If I am wandering round a farm looking to shoot a few rabbits or crows am I still covered??


Thanks for your help


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An "event" is organised provided you go with intent and permission.


It matters not that you are alone - the wording seeks to exclude random events that are not premeditated. ie, if you were passing a field and saw a pigeon, lept out of the car and took a "pop-shot" without having sought permission to shoot the land and gained knowledge of its backdrop etc, and hit a legitimate person on that land that had not been excluded from the shooting exclusion zone, clearly you would have been negligent. As the standard norms of seeking land consent , checking the fallout zones, and ensuring exclusion of persons at risk had not been taken, loss adjusters would conclude the accident was not covered by the scope the cover.


So, any individual, licensed for the weapon, shooting or hunting on land with permission, is at an organised event, as they have organised their intent in advance of the activity - and are fully covered.

Edited by clayman
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CCC3 does not have a political lobby or technical development or provide a number of services available to members of other organistaions. Members get what they pay for and those that wish to contribute to supporting organsations that provide political input to preserve our sports in the countryside should join those other organisations - CLA and SACS, BDS, UCSW etc.


Country Cover was never established to "poach" members from other organisations.


We actively promote BASC and CPSA, indeed we have also sold 1000 CPSA memberships ( BASC does not appoint resellers, we can only refer enquiries to them when appropriate)


We are here because there are a large number of persons acting within the country community who are un-insured, and we hope our low costing will encourage them to be prudent and cover themselves as we feel all persons hunting , shooting, and carrying out recreational activiteis should have cover. If a CCC3 member moves on to support other organisations we will feel we have done a good job, as we will have acted as the springboard by which that person has become directly involved with organisations with more resources than we have, who can continue to act to preserve our rights and privileges in country sports.

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I took out Country cover for 6 months thursday morning as I was going out for my 1st ever pigeon shoot yesterday and I've also been using Abacus claysports as a shooting product supplier for ages and also when emailing about choke types etc , I've always had a great response with good advice, so when I needed cover then country cover club seemed the most obvious choice for me. Also I'm covered for the other types of shooting I do such as .22lr comps and English sporting and although I was covered through my home shooting club(the one on my FAC) I now have 'peace of mind' in my 'own' insurance cover for if/when I go other clubs, organised clayshoots etc and at £20.00 for a year or in my case £12.50 (iirc) for 6 months seemed a no brainer!!!





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In our just under 3 years of operation we have had three potential claims made by third parties against our members.


The first was a trespasser on land our member had consent to shoot on allowed his dog to stray and it was shot while the member was taking a fox in a hedgerow. The dog was not in sight, and was wounded. The owner, poaching with a gun, dispatched his dog on the spot and claimed £1500 against our member. Legal defence took up the case and resisted the claim as:- the third party was at fault for both being on land without consent, and for dispatching the dog without seeking vetinary advice. The third party dropped the claim.


The second was a member who claimed that pheasants he was rearing for a shoot were mauled by a third party, but this was resisted and not paid as the process of preparing stock for hunting is an agricultural engagement and losses arising from growing cover crops or raising game are not actually the processes of recreational hunting, and are outside the scope of the policy.


The third is a member whose Falcon attacked a farmers bantam, and the farmer claimed losses of £500. The farmer has been asked to justify this value and not been heard from since, so the claim remains open and market value compensation could be potentially be paid, but as bantams are only £10-20 each, its likely the claim will close without any settlement following no further information from the third party.


We have also provided advice to an insured syndicate following theft of equipment and the raiders ramming our insured's vehicle. As there was no injury to our insured, the advice was to pursue for damages using no-win-no-fee systems, but as the member was not hunting or shooting and had not been negligent, and no claim was being made against them, there was no actual claim by a third party for losses or damages that could either be paid or defended by CCC3.


We have also had enquires relating to equipment damaged - but it does not seem to be apparant to everyone that the scope of P/L cover does not cover their own equipment for loss or damge, only equipment belonging to a third party that suffers a loss resulting from the actions of our member.


So far, all claims have been supported through advice, and have been dropped by the third parties or were outside the policies scope.


We are pleased to say that to date our 3200 members have not yet been negligent or had an accident resulting in a policy claim. This is one reason that £10m cover can be such a low price - the reality is that hunting / shooting / country activities are pursued by responsible people and we hope the good record will be maintained.

Edited by clayman
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I tried to PM you but it wouldnt let me. I need to know what sort of money it would cost to have 3rd party insurance for a game syndicate of approx 20 guns. It would need to cover invited guests and also beaters

Any Help would be appreciated




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Syndicate cover is £14-95 per person subject to a minumum of 10, ie £149-50 to form and £14-95 per name after the first 10.


Loaders / beaters / pickers-up are all covered under the standard "servant / master" relationship - ie, if an insured instructs a servant to carry out a negligent action the liability reverts to the master. This is the same as you telling your dog or falcon to act on your command, or you pulling the trigger on a gun - the liability reverts to the instucting agent.


Un-named guests have no cover, only persons registered with us, but we operate a cover note system that allows cover to be created on demand at remote locations. The £14-95 still applies to the person who is joined as a guest and has to be paid, but that person then carries a full years cover throughout the UK and Eire for all our heads of cover.


Syndicates should note that there is a common perception that unamed "helpers" carry the same levels of insurance as the named members of the syndicate. It is worth reading the policy terms carefully, as in many cases cover for beaters etc is limited to E/L under the P/L section of the policy. A beater is covered for carrying out the syndicates requirements, but for nothing "in their own right" ie, having a little shoot afterwards, or claims arising against them for their own actions that were not instructions from the syndicate.


We recommend EVERYONE carries their own named insurance, and not to rely on any un-named guest or E/L clauses of P/L cover for third party actions as this cover may be very limited. Remember, that if a claim was to arise and it stood outside the scope of the policy, ALL members of the syndicate may be joint and severally liable, and that could run into £10,000s of personal liability that was NOT covered because the scope and extent of unmamed attendees cover was limited.


I consider it dangerous to ever rely on a third parties insurance. Do you know the full extent of their cover? Have they paid the last installment? Was their proposal declaration truthful? Have they complied with H&S requirements? ( failure to carry out risk assesments etc may invalidate policies).

I recommend every-one always carries their own named policy for their own puroses and peace of mind.

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  • 1 month later...

Country Cover Club was established 2 1/2 years ago when Jerry Parks Young left his post at the CPSA as training and Aafety Manager to run his own RFD business supporting Hunting and Shooting.


His experience with the CPSA, together with his relationship with co Director Moshe hadari, an IFA with FSA approvals, allowed them to form Country Cover Club - www.ccc3.co.uk - and to establish cover with Liberty Syndicate at Lloyds ( one of the largest Lloyds syndicates with £1000m business underwritten - http://www.libertysyndicates.com/ ) - for £2m country sports P/L liability, and another £8m excess policy with Zurich ( the same underwriters as BASC) to top up the cover to £10m.


Just under 3000 people have now joined our popular club, thereby gaining various benefits including the P/L, P/A, hositalisation, and legal defence, and 10% off on most of the 1000 hunting and shooting lines sold in the associates online shop.


Country Cover has, we beleive, the largest list of sports covered in the countryside under a single policy.


Clay Pigeon / Target Shooting, Rough Shooting, Vermin Control, Wild Fowling, Rifle Shooting (inc stalking), Recreational activities of Hunting and Wildfowling (including falconry, hawking, rabbit, pigeon, game, deer), Angling (including wading), air gunning, conservation, archery, ferreting, stalking, shotgun and rifle shooting; .but excluding Combat / Practical Shooting, Equestrian Mounted Sports, and any activity carried out illegally. Re-enactment including blank firing weapons but excluding edged or pointed weapons. Rambling subject to it being an insured organised event excluding travelling to and from such events.


We offer short policies - 6mths, suitable for the game season, as well as annual policies and syndicate / group memberships at as little as £14-95 per person p.a.


Cover is for UK and Eire, but a full EU counties extension is available for UK and EU residents.


On-line applications are dealt with by an automated server that delivers membership details and a cover note back to the member instantly on payment, and postal hard copy options are available.


We have an online members forum as well as a 24/7 freephone help line.


Jerry maintains close relations with both BASC and CPSA, being trade members of both, and co-operates with both associations on technical aspects of hunting and shooting, as well as supporting the political lobbies of both organistaions



I think what is offered here represents excellent value for money, it's just what I'm looking for.


I fully respect and appreciate what the big organisations do but at this moment in time all I require is insurance.


Been really impressed with what I've read in this thread and others so I'll be signing up this moment.

Edited by Muddy Funker
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