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Idiot "new person" questions


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Idiot questions coming up... please bear with me, I'm officially a muppet and need the loving support of this group to get through life...


1 - Battery next to the rotary. Do you cover yours up? I wonder if it puts the birds off as it's kind of shiny (well, it is shiny, it's silver metal after all)?


2 - Dead birds on bouncers - I've got some of the wing spreaders from UKSW and not sure how to use them? I ended up putting the top of the V through a wing on each side and then 'draping' the bird's feet over the bottom and using the bouncer pole to support the birds body. One worked OK and one didn't? How do you do it please? Is this right?


3 - how do you fix your net to the hide poles? I warned you the questions where stupid! At the minute I'm a combination of granny knots (top of the 2 outside poles) and velcro cable ties on the bottoms and middle 2 pole tops. There must be an easier way though? This doesn't work too slick.


4 - Once birds are shot how do you prop them up in the pattern? I tried it using some of the stubble but this didn't seem man enough for the job?


Any help much appreciated - I'm clearly too daft for this! I would take someone with me who knows what they're doing but where I'm shooting I don't have that option <_< Would certainly make life easier!




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1 - Battery next to the rotary. Do you cover yours up? I wonder if it puts the birds off as it's kind of shiny (well, it is shiny, it's silver metal after all)?


yes, mine is kept in a green fishing reel bag,


2 - Dead birds on bouncers - I've got some of the wing spreaders from UKSW and not sure how to use them? I ended up putting the top of the V through a wing on each side and then 'draping' the bird's feet over the bottom and using the bouncer pole to support the birds body. One worked OK and one didn't? How do you do it please? Is this right?


right, the v goes onto the bouncer, so that the pole is in the middle of v, the pole of bouncer then goes up pigeons ar,se and each wing clips (if you have clips) onto the ends of the v, if not, and they are the type with points, then just push through the joint in the wing


3 - how do you fix your net to the hide poles? I warned you the questions where stupid! At the minute I'm a combination of granny knots (top of the 2 outside poles) and velcro cable ties on the bottoms and middle 2 pole tops. There must be an easier way though? This doesn't work too slick.


I simple hang mine on the top of poles on the plastic bit, but do yours have that?? have to admit, lately have been leaving poles at home and just drapping onto bushes

4 - Once birds are shot how do you prop them up in the pattern? I tried it using some of the stubble but this didn't seem man enough for the job?


simple fold wings alongside dead bird and place on earth, pushing beak into earth, not propping up the head, does not seem to put incoming birds off

Edited by stubby
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All the things Stubby said are how I do it...and reading lots of great advice on here has helped.


I'm only into my first year, made a few boo boo's...but now getting the hang of it.


If I've left a few decoy shells at home, I use a few shot birds to boost the pattern. I tend to prop the heads up with a small pointed stick. The wings I do the same as Stubby said.


I have found its trial and error, I dont have a great hit ratio.....but I still enjoy it :yes:

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When shooting crows/jackdaws, I insert thin bamboo canes from the 'vent' into the head, and stick the rest of the cane into the ground. This helps make the bird stay in an upright position. The clamps are ideal for stopping the net flapping around. I've used them for years, My batteries are all in green'ish canvas bags, and remain in them when out in the field, which helps camoflauge them.

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I use the clips as above when it is windy, I place my poles between the 2 layers of the stealth netting.

Cut down wire coat hangers 12" long with a bend at the top U shaped to hold the head, the best bit is where the wire is twisted near the hook straighten out the hook, cut an inch either side of the twist and it will show you what the thing should look like.

Cover the battery with the crop/field debris

I am happy to come and sit with you (no gun) so should not be aproblem providing you ask the "owner"first.



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i've attatched the hard sticky strips of velcro to bottoms of my hide poles, sticks bottom of net to them stops them flapping, and at the top i put them into plastic clips and then elastic band.


i take BBQ/kebab skewers (wooden) in a coke bottle and use these for shot birds, can stab them hard enough to hold bird in place.

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For setting the dead birds up in amongst the pattern I use bamboo kebab skewers, they are cheap and take up no room at all in your bag and are reusable! Stick one up through the crop area and on up through the neck and into the head then you have enough to stick the other end into the ground. If you are careful you can do them so they are either heads up or feeding!

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PW gold... You guys are amazing! From the replies here to the PMs, thanks to all of you!


The decoy pattern was working yesterday and birds where coming in, but some where spooking hence wanting to improve what I'm setting up. PMs are replied to and thanks for the comments, I'll keep you updated!



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I think all your questions have been answered regarding the battery a wing spreaders.


Everyone puts up their nets slightly differently so here's how I do mine. I set my poles out and since I like a roomy hide I generally make it 2m wide and 1m deep which accomodates my 4m net. Starting on one of the back poles I thread the net over the first pole using a net loop at the bottom, middle and top of the net (obviously this isn't possible unless your net has large enough cut outs), this way the net is secured all the way down on the first pole. Then I stretch it tight around the two front poles just hooking the net over the top of the pole and the same for the last back pole. I generally then add a few clamps here and there depending how strong the wind is for added security. If the wind is really strong I also carry half a dozen tent pegs which I put around the bottom of the net.


Sounds long winded, but takes all of about three minutes to complete. Also may sound a bit "overkill", but one of my pet hates is having to keep propping the net back up during a session.




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I think all your questions have been answered regarding the battery a wing spreaders.


Everyone puts up their nets slightly differently so here's how I do mine. I set my poles out and since I like a roomy hide I generally make it 2m wide and 1m deep which accomodates my 4m net. Starting on one of the back poles I thread the net over the first pole using a net loop at the bottom, middle and top of the net (obviously this isn't possible unless your net has large enough cut outs), this way the net is secured all the way down on the first pole. Then I stretch it tight around the two front poles just hooking the net over the top of the pole and the same for the last back pole. I generally then add a few clamps here and there depending how strong the wind is for added security. If the wind is really strong I also carry half a dozen tent pegs which I put around the bottom of the net.


Sounds long winded, but takes all of about three minutes to complete. Also may sound a bit "overkill", but one of my pet hates is having to keep propping the net back up during a session.





Tent pegs and baling string to use as Guy Ropes to keep the poles upright in the strongest of winds

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as mentioned, yesterday was pretty windy here, yet only popped out for a couple hours, and didnt want to be lugging loads gear out, just grabbed gun,carts,nets and deeks, then use the int corner of hedge and just drap the net across, it was only ferals coming in, but they were that eager, I reckon I could have left the nets at home too,



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