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Morning all :good:

I shot 5 feral goats this morning at dawn and the morning.

I arrived at dawn and had a scan with the binos, spoted them some 300yds away.

I made my way along a hegerow, weaving in and out, carufull for them not to see me.

Got to 100yds and put up the bipod. Picked out a youngish feamale that was lying down, chewing the cud.

Cross hairs on chest,'BOOM'!!, first one down, she never new what hit her.


They all got up and ran round the other side of the hedge, cross hairs lined up and 'CLICK'!!!!!!! ****, held the rifle pointing in safe direction, waithed a while, then unloaded, would you belive it, a missfire. :P:P The pin hit the primer, but it never went off. :P Must of been a dud.


They were still standing, so i reloaded and got cross hairs on a lovely young one, went straight down to the boom, magic. :drool:


I let them run to the next feild and let them settele and went over to clean the 2 i shot.


I moved on after and got 3 more, including a big SMELLY billy, as cen be seen in the pic.


The first pic was taken at dawn, so had to use the flash on the digital.


Ammo used: American Eagle 50 grain hallow point cheap factory. :P

CZ 527 .223 rifle.

Seems deadly on goats, apart from that missfire, :P It must if been a bad primer as the pin hit it.



The second pic of the other 3, taken later on in the morning. :good:

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nice shooting m8, great pics, are you going to eat them :P


I have them hanging at the moment in my shed, except for the billy :P:P , he has gone to a fox hound kennel i know of, they were very greatfull for the meat. :P

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Good going Frank :good: Will you be taking them all out or leaving a few to for next years freezer (that's if you've got that lot polished off by then lol). I was wondering what you'd do with the billy, I'd imagine he'd be a bit aromatic to be eaten :good: Good idea about the skinning too KR :)




By the way how did you deal with the dud after unloading it, I'd be a bit wary of it.


Ill be leaving a few John, as the shooting is moving them up to wild country, on mountains, where they will be for the summer.


I still have the dud, gave it to a fella that knows about these things, He took out the head and primer and confirmed it a bad primer.

This is the first time its has happened to me with a centerfire, plenty with rimfire, but never centerfire.

You learn something new everyday ha? :)


As i said before John in one of my posts above, i gave the billy to the hunt kennels that are not too far from me, for meat for their dogs. ;)




Great shooting Frank




Thanks miffy. ;)

Edited by Frank
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So Frank!!!


When are we invited to this BBQ then :good:


Traveling about a bit in the world i have tried some different meats and Goat it rather nice :good:


Specially when skewered with fresh onion and smoked in a wood burning kettle :good:


shashlak the russian call it (licking my lips) :good:



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So Frank!!!


When are we invited to this BBQ then ;)


Traveling about a bit in the world i have tried some different meats and Goat it rather nice :good:


Specially when skewered with fresh onion and smoked in a wood burning kettle :good:


shashlak the russian call it (licking my lips) :good:




;) Mmmm, that sounds really tasty LG. :good: Must try it. :)

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Well done frank, that .223 is working well for you. :good: just got my variation back for .223, but they missed off my sound moderator, :good: . I will be sending it back ASAP.


Be sure you do Stirky. :)

One year, a few years ago, i renewed my firearms certs, only to get them back with all the seriel numbers rong. ;):good:

Took 2 weeks to clear it. ;)

Apparently the computer got it rong. :good:

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Thanks all for the replys. :good:


Chezney, the Billys pee all over them selfs, (equivalent of after shave for us i suppose :good: ) so yes, they do pong a bit. ;)



enough about billys.. :lol: ....well done again frank..lol



The question has to be do you pee all over yourself ;):):):lol::good::good:

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Thanks all for the replys. :good:


Chezney, the Billys pee all over them selfs, (equivalent of after shave for us i suppose :good: ) so yes, they do pong a bit. ;)



enough about billys.. :yp: ....well done again frank..lol



The question has to be do you pee all over yourself ;):):):lol::good::good:


:lol: Sorry, could nor resist. :lol:


Thanks Billy. :lol:

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Well shot Frank.

Looks like your freezer is well sorted for the bbq period.

Well done mate.




Thanks Kenzie.

Goat curry, bbq goat, goat stir fry, goat stew, ect ect, will be on the menue for a couple of months me thinks. :good:

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