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Foxing this weekend


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Myself and Glensman went out Sat night for a bit of lamping. Glensman had recently acquired a .223 and he wanted to break it in, also I wanted to get my first fox with my new stock. To cut a long story short, we covered miles and miles without seeing an eye, so we decided as a last resort to try a farm that was very successful for us last year.


We called for a while until we spotted a fox in the distance, she then tried to skirt around to get our wind but Glensman pulled off a lovely neck shot at 190 yards. We kept calling for another while and another vixen appeared, this time is was my turn, I delivered a lovely head shot at 126 yards. Upon firing this shot we noticed another 2 foxes on the hill so with a bit more patience we managed to call another one down which Glensman dispatched at 70 yards.


Thinking this was our night over we went and collected the foxes, ranged them and had a bit of banter; when we got back to the Jeep we noticed that there was actually 3 more foxes back out on the hill. I had a chance at one while he was in some gorse bushes, he wasn't going to present a better shot so I took it; I hit the fox hard but he trailed himself down into the gorse bushes, no matter how much looking we couldn't locate the fox in the heavy cover but I know he wouldn't have made it far. So 4 foxes from this one spot and at least another 2 left for another night. A few images:


Glensman new gun






Our syndicate then went out today to hunt a few strips of cover close to the pheasant shoot. The first place was unsuccessful, but the 2nd place proved to be successful. I got a shout from Glensman that there was a fox heading my way, true enough a big dog fox broke cover and I dispatched it with a well placed 42g Winchester Super x Double Magnum. The next place again proved unsuccessful but the final place gave us another fox. However, the fox was pricked and went to ground, but luckily enough our excellent terrier tailed it to the set and we broke in to dispatch the vixen. It was very important to get these 2 so close to our Pheasant shoot.


Pic of the big dog fox that I shot.


Anyway I have rambled on enough, 6 foxes from a weekend ain't bad going.

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good goin glad to c the foxes getin hammered ! if u dnt mind me askin wat area rufly did u get them?? ive takin out 132 in 13weeks



Good going mate, what area did you lift 132 from?

We've only been out a few nights, and only for a couple of hours at a time- too busy with work etc. Late nights and early starts don't add up... :oops:

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ive a fair idea who big paws is neway with them numbers !!!!

Yeh if it's the same person me n glensman are thinking off he'll have racked up at least 300 by Xmas.we haven't even saw 132 foxes lamping in the last 2 years but obviously we're not looking in the right places

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Yeh if it's the same person me n glensman are thinking off he'll have racked up at least 300 by Xmas.we haven't even saw 132 foxes lamping in the last 2 years but obviously we're not looking in the right places



I'm gonna start looking in Roscommon!


It's Living with foxes! :lol:

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