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got me cabinet

Will 1994

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If the worst happens and all does not go well with your anchor bolts then try a tube of resin! The firm work I work makes metal sculptures and they are usually bonded to a concrete plinth with resin. Sticks like **** to a blanket. Just be real careful where you put it. If you get it wrong it goes hard in miutes and takes hours to chisel off.

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to bolt my safe to the wall in my new house i drilled into the wall and it crumbled :oops: . so i had to put the rawlbolts onto extended 8mm pices of threaded bar into the external engineering house bricks witch sounds bad but it was easy. a long 14mm drill bit from a well known diy shop was £22.50 so i looked about and got one from tooltastic for £3.40 :) a bit of drilling and the necicery bits of threaded bar (£1 each from the same place) with the same anchor bolts on the end then hey presto one VERRY solidly bolted safe that will never move.


i hope that helped


atb archie.

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If you use Rawlbolts, it is easy to catch the gunstock on the protruding threaded section etc. Rather than tape etc to protect it, I got the rawlbolts locked into the brickwork, then gently unscrewed the threaded bar and replaced it with a washer and a dome headed allen bolt - easy to do and no protruding edges or angles. Looks neat and just as strong.

Edited by Bloke
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If you use Rawlbolts, it is easy to catch the gunstock on the protruding threaded section etc. Rather than tape etc to protect it, I got the rawlbolts locked into the brickwork, then gently unscrewed the threaded bar and replaced it with a washer and a dome headed allen bolt - easy to do and no protruding edges or angles. Looks neat and just as strong.


Just cut mine off flush with the nut.

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