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Before you shoot what goes through your mind?


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Good comments but if your on your own and can see a clear backstop hill or the like perhaps the sky rule is not the best ?


You have a good point Utectok, thing is I'm rarely in a position to see woodcock other than on a driven day - no dog. So its quick and simple.

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C'mon, are woodcock really that fast?? A pheasant is way faster. Try and snap shoot them, woodcock, daylight, bang, thud.


On a slightly different note I have always been a terrible shot a ground game, as I am thinking more about where the dogs are than I am anbout killing the target, this goes back to when I first started and we used to shoot over a couple of terriers. Never been able to get out of that mindset even when there are no dogs around! Only ever perform well on GG during hare drives , and then I need half a dozen chances to get my eye in.

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when i am shooting snipe or woodcock i am always looking around making mental notes about places i cant shoot towards e.g sheep, my mate or the dog. so whenever anything gets up if it goes in to one of these areas i know not to take the shot. i find its not like shooting rabbits where you have to look for the quarry, you can look around and make these notes because you cant see snipe till they are are up and you can usually hear them first if you dont see them. i hope this makes sense :blush: it makes sense to me :lol:

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