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Shotgun cabinet rules


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Hi guys I've got a question that's been confusing me and my father in law for some time now and wondered if any of you have an answer. I recently got my shotgun certificate about a year ago and at the time was living in a flat with my girlfriend. The flat was rented and I couldnt put a cabinet in so as my girlfriends parents only live down the road and the father shoots so I used his safe. When I asked the FEO about keys she said I wasnt allowed any as it's wasn't my cabinet and I didn't live there so I have made do. Last month we moved into the parents house to live. I sent off my certificate for a change of address and received a call today to come and check security. I asked about the key situation again and was told he will talk to me when he comes.


Does any one know for definite can I have my own set of keys to the safe as I now live here and my gun is in there? How can it be father in law can access my gun but I can't?

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I had the similar situation when I lived at my dad’s farm then moved out but left my guns there. GMP did not have a problem with us both having access to the safe (even when I left) but all the guns stored in that safe had to be entered onto both licences.


So If I bought or changed my gun it also had to be entered onto my father’s licence and vice versa.


Edited by timps
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Probably talking out of my a** but my understanding of your present situation is that your father in law will have to add your shotgun to his certificte to comply and in turn his shotgun(s) will have to go on yours for you to be able to have access. However if he has rifles in the same cabinet, then you are stuck.

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When Son of Potter lived here we shared a cabinet, the question of key holder was never asked either as a question from us or as a statement from the FEO. It never crossed my mind the SoP wouldn't or shouldn't have his own key and therefore access to the cabinet.

One thing I did ask, on more than one occasion, was did they (Cheshire) want my guns on SoP's certificate and his gun on mine? Definitely no, not necessary at all will only give a false figure for the number of guns in circulation was the response each time I inquired.


The original poster should, if the lack of access to his gun(s) was an issue, have appealed to the Chief Constable if the FiL trusted you to have access to the cabinet the Police should.

A SGC doesn't, as far as I am aware, have levels of access, your cert was just the same as your FiL's. By virtue of the fact the cabinet was in his house he had free access to your gun, what's so different that you couldn't have access to his even if it meant putting each others guns on each others tickets.



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my brothers shotgun is in my cabinet mainly as hes a cheap scate (and keeps moving) and he very rarely goes shooting without me.

when i applied for my fac was told he could not have access but never had a problem with one sgc holder to another having keys to cabinet, remember you can lend your guns out to sgc holders so cant see the problem if you have keys,id give the basc or similar a call they will know more then most :good:

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