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Bet your kids don't love it as much as my Jack Russels :P


they seem manically obsessed with rats at the moment.


Same as that al4x, our JRT did the business on those 5 on his own covering both sides of some bails, he was knackered at the end of it, but seemed very pleased with himself :yes:




Give him a sniff of a squirrel and he goes absolutely bananas, I mean uncontrollably NUTS, he likes wabbits but has only taken a couple of myxi's, but for some reason squirrels drive him insane :angry:

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My life is also on the line from other humans and i find them pests but i can't do much about them


Yes i am going to probably be the first person on here that does not agree with killing rats when i say my life on the line i am talking about if i had a gun and i new for a fact that a lion was about to kill me


Sorry but you wont change my mind killing is wrong and i will not kill them i will catch them and release them far away from the house, it’s not their fault they carry diseases they are just trying to survive like the rest of us



I think it is probably illegal to move the rats and release them. :P


End of rant. :D:):oops:


FM :yes:

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My life is also on the line from other humans and i find them pests but i can't do much about them


Yes i am going to probably be the first person on here that does not agree with killing rats when i say my life on the line i am talking about if i had a gun and i new for a fact that a lion was about to kill me


Sorry but you wont change my mind killing is wrong and i will not kill them i will catch them and release them far away from the house, it’s not their fault they carry diseases they are just trying to survive like the rest of us


Go back to where you crawld out from Mr Anti. :angry::P

Your sad person. :yes:

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Nicely put Frank, you have a literary flair :P .

As far as i am aware it is an offence to re introduce vermin into the wild.

(although the courts do it every day :D )

So Sloter, any you do catch, send them to GO3321, he will love and protect them??


regards Sutty. :angry::yes:


PS, if you ever decide to apply for an FAC, dont mention the LIONS, the FLO may think your "Barking" .

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Bet your kids don't love it as much as my Jack Russels :P


they seem manically obsessed with rats at the moment.


Same as that al4x, our JRT did the business on those 5 on his own covering both sides of some bails, he was knackered at the end of it, but seemed very pleased with himself :yes:




Give him a sniff of a squirrel and he goes absolutely bananas, I mean uncontrollably NUTS, he likes wabbits but has only taken a couple of myxi's, but for some reason squirrels drive him insane :angry:



fortunately mine are a little slow to catch rabbits which is good as theres nothing worse than them getting too obsessed with them.

Like yours mine go nuts about squirrels and get the right hump when they tree one and can't follow it :D


Thats good going getting 5 round bails with just him. Mine tend to work together and makes life easier for them but you have to stop them ratting after a while as they'd do it till they drop.

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All this talk of rats should act as a reminder, ALWAYS keep your dogs vaccinations against Leptospirosis up to date. The Golden Retriever who until recently lived next door to me (thankfully he died of old age) contracted the disease a few years ago, and was really seriously ill. Luckily at the time he was a young strong dog, but it was touch and go for a while.

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My life is also on the line from other humans and i find them pests but i can't do much about them


Yes i am going to probably be the first person on here that does not agree with killing rats when i say my life on the line i am talking about if i had a gun and i new for a fact that a lion was about to kill me


Sorry but you wont change my mind killing is wrong and i will not kill them i will catch them and release them far away from the house, it’s not their fault they carry diseases they are just trying to survive like the rest of us


Go back to where you crawld out from Mr Anti. :good::lol:

Your sad person. :lol:



Sad because I have a different opinion to yours?

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My life is also on the line from other humans and i find them pests but i can't do much about them


Yes i am going to probably be the first person on here that does not agree with killing rats when i say my life on the line i am talking about if i had a gun and i new for a fact that a lion was about to kill me


Sorry but you wont change my mind killing is wrong and i will not kill them i will catch them and release them far away from the house, it’s not their fault they carry diseases they are just trying to survive like the rest of us


Go back to where you crawld out from Mr Anti. :good::lol:

Your sad person. :lol:



Sad because I have a different opinion to yours?


Sad , because you love rats and probably flies, germs, tapeworms, round worms, ect ect?? :lol: :lol:

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My life is also on the line from other humans and i find them pests but i can't do much about them


Yes i am going to probably be the first person on here that does not agree with killing rats when i say my life on the line i am talking about if i had a gun and i new for a fact that a lion was about to kill me


Sorry but you wont change my mind killing is wrong and i will not kill them i will catch them and release them far away from the house, it’s not their fault they carry diseases they are just trying to survive like the rest of us


Go back to where you crawld out from Mr Anti. :good::lol:

Your sad person. :lol:



Sad because I have a different opinion to yours?



Sad because you just dont seem to understand.... :lol:


And posting things like this on a pest control forum shows how naive/uninformed you are

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My life is also on the line from other humans and i find them pests but i can't do much about them


Yes i am going to probably be the first person on here that does not agree with killing rats when i say my life on the line i am talking about if i had a gun and i new for a fact that a lion was about to kill me


Sorry but you wont change my mind killing is wrong and i will not kill them i will catch them and release them far away from the house, it’s not their fault they carry diseases they are just trying to survive like the rest of us


Go back to where you crawld out from Mr Anti. :good::lol:

Your sad person. :lol:



Sad because I have a different opinion to yours?




Sad because you are obviously not educated enough on this subject to even have an opinion !!


Ever heard of the great plague ?


next you'll be saying we shouldn't find a cure for cancer..... 'Its just trying to survive'


What on earth were you thinking of, posting a topic like that on a shooting forum :lol:??


you are either monumentaly daft or this is a complete wind up !




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Never argue with an idiot, he will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience


Taken from a sig I have seen someone use on here, seems very appropriate.


No sense arguing a point when both of you are at opposite ends of the scale, too much emotion for it to stand any chance of being a propper debate.


Besides, this is a shooting forum and we don't actually give a **** what you think. Its legal, extremely good fun and serves a very useful purpose, unlike you.


Back to your tofu burgers, whale music and hessian sack clothes you sad person. If we were not meant to eat meat we would never have evolved the teeth we have now. Addtionally if we had not started to eat meat and later cook it we wouldn't have developed the inteligence you now so skillfully use to try and reverse hundreds and thousands of years of evolution.

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it is people like you that got hunting banned...the only way they know how discuss anything is with their fists.

you talk as though you know our way of life when really you haven't got a clue! 99% of people on this forum have upmost respect for their quarry even a rat..they probably have more respect for their quarry than they do you! So you think instead of humanely killing a pest it should be 'kindly' captured and released in a new enviroment? well imagine that..you are captured in probably a small cage, thrown into the back of a car, driven miles away, and released to "live happily ever after'....i think not in reality the animal will run, and run not stopping until it can't physically run any futher, collapses, and dies of exhaustion! well bloody done is all i can say.

but i cannot see the point in someone such as yourself coming onto a forum like this to post comments of such different views to every single member on this forum. the idea of a forum like this is to bring like minded people together and help keep our sport strong which means there is no room for the likes of you! so i suggest you quit now! because some of the other members on here won't be as kind to you as i have been, but can you blame them? :good:

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Your right its very sad when people need to result to name calling like yourself, seems like you are incapable of getting your point across without calling names


Did you see me call you one name before you started this? You were the one who resulted to name calling not me, if you want to continue this lets do so


its a simple fact if you say stuff on here back it up if not don’t say it that seems pretty fair to me


And no i am not wasting my time e mailing you if you have something to say then say it on here if not then that’s your problem


You have struck nothing at all i am as calm as i could be i am just saying don’t be like the thousands on here that hide behind a computer screen you got something to say then say it to my face


None of us are hideing behind computer screens Mr. Infact, most follks on here meet up from time to time, but one thing i do know is this, no one would like to meet you and your ignorant ways, no thanks :lol: , as their is no way you will listen. The only way it seems you can make a point is, threw violence and being that all the good folk on here are none violent, they just wont listen to you and bring them selfs down to your level.

Infact, me thinks its time for you to depart. :good:

I think most on here will agree.


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I have been watching this thread carefully and wanted to give everyone a chance to say their piece.


However, its got personal with the threatening comments, so I am going to close it and delete some of the offending posts and the replies (which will not make much sense once the original posts disappear).

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