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Why Pump ?


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What is the point of a pump action shotgun ? for multishot there is always a semi which must beat it hands down and the mech is probably very similar using muscle power rather than gas / recoil /spring so my question is why ?

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As has been said, they tend to be less cartridge fussy and much more reliable, I have NEVER had a jam in my pump. Regardless of how good or expensive a semi is, at some point (although it may be years down the line) it will jam, and you can bet it happens when you're sat right under a skien, and you really need that 2nd or 3rd shot.


I personally think they are easier to clean than a semi, and they are about half as expensive as thier 'brother' semis... For example, Benelli Supernova costs approx £600 new, Benelli Super Vince costs approx £1100 new. Winchester SXP £350, Winchester SX3 £650. Etc etc!

Edited by Wildfowler12
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I wouldn't have a semi if you paid me <_<


Pump action shotguns are virtually indestructible and very reliable.


All I ever see is semis jamming, breaking down and otherwise being a pain in the ****. I know all the flannel about them being OK if you devote your life to cleaning them properly and spending a lifetime finding the "right" cartridge for them. Yeah right, like I'm going to bother with that :lol:


Pump every time. Oh yes, they're fun too :yes:


Questions like this aren't necessary with pumps and O/Us :sly:

Edited by Chard
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They are good fun, somehow nothing beats a pump.

It's great to be able to use any cartridge, regardless of weight or length, and they are so much easier to clean.

They are also better to carry round on land, as you can have a cart in the chamber then just slide it shut when ready to shoot, easier than a semi.

Basically you get the advantages of a semi with less bother.


People say/think they slow you down shooting, but for 95% of shooting it doesn't make any difference.

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Use of any cart is nice and not need to make sure is over 67mm ect (in some examples)

I got a cheap French pump and I love it, first gun, it's easy to clean and built strong, won't jam ect


My shooting partner has a semi and he loves it, but I can't see why a semi is better in any way other then not having to pump? I think you could name more examples of why a pump in better surely?


And it sure is a fun gun to shoot! That noise lol

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