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For your Daughers & Wives


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On the one hand, I'm happy more ladies are getting involved in shooting sports. As females are roughly 50% of the population, the more females that are involved in shooting sports, understand firearms and where food comes from, the less opposition, restrictions, and legislation we'll see in our beloved outdoor shooting pursuits.


But, this also means another male sanctuary is being invaded by females. What makes men men is increasingly being feminized and marginalized! There was a time, with the odd exception, that men provided for and protected their family with his wife tending to the home as only a lady can. Roles where clearly defined and the family prospered. It was the odd exception that a womanizing drunk male did not live up to his God given duties.


History has been re-written for us to believe the exception was the norm. Since then women have invaded male spaces - feminizing them. OR worse, acting like the womanizing drunk male mentioned above.


Its great that more woman shoot! Its bad that there is yet another place where guys cant be guys and relax as there may be a lady a-bout.


All that said, your girls and special lady may find the provided links interesting.

Edited by ab1964
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On the one hand, I'm happy more ladies are getting involved in shooting sports. As females are roughly 50% of the population, the more females that are involved in shooting sports, understand firearms and where food comes from, the less opposition, restrictions, and legislation we'll see in our beloved outdoor shooting pursuits.


But, this also means another male sanctuary is being invaded by females. What makes men men is increasingly being feminized and marginalized! There was a time, with the odd exception, that men provided for and protected their family with his wife tending to the home as only a lady can. Roles where clearly defined and the family prospered. It was the odd exception that a womanizing drunk male did not live up to his God given duties.


History has been re-written for us to believe the exception was the norm. Since then women have invaded male spaces - feminizing them. OR worse, acting like the womanizing drunk male mentioned above.


It’s great that more woman shoot! It’s bad that there is yet another place where guys can’t be guys and relax as there may be a lady a-bout.


All that said, your girls and special lady may find the provided links interesting.



Seriously..... ??? You need somewhere you need to go to escape women ???


You must have had a very poor experience of women in your life... If she could, my wife would be joined with me at the hip and go everywhere I did.... Can't stand all that macho BS testosterone fueled machoism... does my nut in...


Bring on the girls!!!!

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Seriously..... ??? You need somewhere you need to go to escape women ???


You must have had a very poor experience of women in your life... If she could, my wife would be joined with me at the hip and go everywhere I did.... Can't stand all that macho BS testosterone fueled machoism... does my nut in...


Bring on the girls!!!!



The Hip? I can think of a better way to "join" with my wife.... :D

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